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[英]Best way to check if a partial(Class) is an instance of Class

So here's my setup:所以这是我的设置:

from functools import partial

class MyClass:
    def __init__(self, some_kwarg=0):

def func(class):
    # VERSION 1: I don't do anything

    # VERSION 2: I do this
    class = partial(class, some_kwarg=1)
    # check if class points to MyClass
    ### THIS is where I want your input stack overflow

So there are a few things going on here for me:所以这里有一些事情对我来说:

  1. In VERSION 1 should I do class == MyClass ?在版本 1 中我应该做class == MyClass吗?
  2. In VERSION 2 how do I modify the answer to 1 to account for the partial .在版本 2 中,我如何将答案修改为 1 以说明partial . My naive solution is class.func == MyClass我天真的解决方案是class.func == MyClass
  3. How do I handle cases where I don't know which version it will be?我如何处理我不知道它将是哪个版本的情况? My naive approach is (class == MyClass or (isinstance(class, partial) and partial.func == MyClass))我天真的方法是(class == MyClass or (isinstance(class, partial) and partial.func == MyClass))

Firstly, class is a reserved word, so I'll use class_ instead (per PEP8 ).首先, class是一个保留字,所以我将使用class_代替(根据PEP8 )。

  1. Use is instead of == , to check identity instead of equality (though they'll usually be the same when dealing with class objects).使用is而不是==来检查身份而不是相等(尽管在处理类对象时它们通常是相同的)。

     class_ is MyClass

    Or, if you need to account for subclasses, use issubclass() , which includes the case where class_ is MyClass .或者,如果您需要考虑子类,请使用issubclass() ,其中包括class_ is MyClass的情况。

     issubclass(class_, MyClass)
  2. See point 1, just replace class_ with class_.func .参见第 1 点,只需将class_替换为class_.func

  3. You're on the right track.你在正确的轨道上。 I would just try to flatten out that nested expression, maybe like this:我只是试着把那个嵌套的表达式弄平,也许是这样的:

     departial = class_.func if isinstance(class_, partial) else class_ departial is MyClass


from functools import partial

class MyClass:

for class_ in MyClass, partial(MyClass), range, partial(range):
    departial = class_.func if isinstance(class_, partial) else class_
    result = departial is MyClass
    print(result, class_)


True <class '__main__.MyClass'>
True functools.partial(<class '__main__.MyClass'>)
False <class 'range'>
False functools.partial(<class 'range'>)

MyClass is callable, and returns an instance of MyClass when called. MyClass是可调用的,并在调用时返回MyClass一个实例。

partial just wraps MyClass in a callable object that, when called, calls MyClass with some predetermined arguments. partial只是将MyClass包装在一个可调用对象中,当被调用时,它会使用一些预先确定的参数调用MyClass

partial(MyClass)() , by definition , will return an instance of MyClass . partial(MyClass)()根据定义,将返回MyClass一个实例。 You don't need to check.你不需要检查。

(While it's possible to override MyClass.__new__ to return something other than an instance of MyClass , that's not something you would need to check because of partial .) (虽然可以覆盖MyClass.__new__以返回MyClass实例以外的其他内容,但由于partial您不需要检查这些内容。)

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