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[英]Merging two lists of tuples of different size into a list of dictionaries

Now I have two lists of tuples of different size like this:现在我有两个不同大小的元组列表,如下所示:

a = [('NC', 0, 'Eyes'),('NC', 3, 'organs'),('NC', 19, 'neurons'),...]
b = [(0, 'Hypernym', 3),(19, 'Holonym', 0),...]

The common values from the above lists is the int number, and the expected result should look like:上面列表中的常见值是 int 数,预期结果应如下所示:

result = [
    {'s_type':'NC', 's':'Eyes', 'predicate':'Hypernym', 'o_type':'NC', 'o':'organs'},
    {'s_type':'NC', 's':'neurons', 'predicate':'Holonym', 'o_type':'NC', 'o':'Eyes'},

I have converted the above two lists into dictionaries and tried nested loop but failed to get this output.我已将上述两个列表转换为字典并尝试嵌套循环,但未能获得此输出。 Can somebody kindly help me out?有人可以帮助我吗?

I managed to get this one working.我设法让这个工作。 Let me know if there are any other specifics that need fixing.让我知道是否还有其他需要修复的细节。

a = [('NC', 0, 'Eyes'), ('NC', 3, 'organs'), ('NC', 19, 'neurons')]
b = [(0, 'Hypernym', 3), (19, 'Holonym', 0)]

result = []

for s_type, common, s in a:
    related = list(filter(lambda x: x[0] == common, b))
    for o_type, predicate, next in related:
        next_related = list(filter(lambda x: x[1] == next, a))
        for s_type, _, organ in next_related:
            result.append({'s_type': s_type, 's': s,
                           'predicate': predicate, 'o_type': o_type, 'o': organ})


I hope this is what you were looking for.我希望这就是你要找的。 There are many other ways to do this, but given your description of the problem, this should do.有很多其他方法可以做到这一点,但鉴于您对问题的描述,应该这样做。

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