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如何使用证书从颤振应用程序发送 AWS iot http 请求?

[英]How to send AWS iot http request from flutter app using certificates?

I am trying to publish a message to AWS IoT using flutter application.我正在尝试使用 Flutter 应用程序向 AWS IoT 发布消息。

Based on AWS's documentation I have tried to replicate根据我尝试复制的 AWS 文档

curl --tlsv1.2 \
    --cacert Amazon-root-CA-1.pem \
    --cert device.pem.crt \
    --key private.pem.key \
    --request POST \
    --data "{ \"message\": \"Hello, world\" }" \

Here is what I have tried这是我尝试过的

    final List<int> trustedCertificateBytes =
        (await rootBundle.load('assets/certificates/AmazonRootCA1.pem'))
    final List<int> certificateChainBytes = (await rootBundle.load(
    final List<int> privateKeyBytes = (await rootBundle.load(
    final data = jsonEncode(
      <String, dynamic>{"message": "hello world"},

    final context = SecurityContext.defaultContext;
    final client = HttpClient(context: context);
    final request = await client.openUrl(
        'POST', Uri.parse("https://$myEndpoint/topics/some_topic?qos=1"));

    try {
      final response = await request.close();
      response.transform(utf8.decoder).listen((contents) {
    } catch (e) {

On first api call, http call is successfull but the response is {"message":"Missing authentication","traceId":"xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx"}第一次调用 api 时,http 调用成功,但响应为{"message":"Missing authentication","traceId":"xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx"}

On every subsequent call flutter throws this error:在随后的每次调用中,flutter 都会抛出此错误:

 [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/ui_dart_state.cc(199)] Unhandled Exception: TlsException: Failure trusting builtin roots (OS Error: CERT_ALREADY_IN_HASH_TABLE(x509_lu.c:356), errno = 0)

Any idea on how do I get it to work?关于如何让它工作的任何想法?

-- Edited section: The first call issue is solved, added context.setAlpnProtocols(["x-amzn-http-ca"], false); --编辑部分:解决了第一次调用的问题,添加了context.setAlpnProtocols(["x-amzn-http-ca"], false); worked like charm.像魅力一样工作。 The problem on subsequent call still exists.后续调用问题依然存在。

OP here.在这里。

Setting alpn protocol for the context solved the authentication token issue为上下文设置 alpn 协议解决了身份验证令牌问题

context.setAlpnProtocols(["x-amzn-http-ca"], false);

Then I set up a global flag on whether or not the certificates are already set.然后我设置了一个关于证书是否已经设置的全局标志。 If already set, no need to set again.如果已经设置,则无需再次设置。

Global scope全球范围

bool setCert = false;

Function scope功能范围

if (!setCert){
  // Set certificates & alpn protocol here
  setCert = true;

And it solved the second issue.它解决了第二个问题。

I think it's because you are adding and then re-adding the certs to SecurityContext.defaultContext on subsequent calls.我认为这是因为您正在添加证书,然后在后续调用中将证书重新添加到SecurityContext.defaultContext

You could try creating a new SecurityContext to do it each time.您可以尝试每次创建一个新的SecurityContext来执行此操作。

var sec = SecurityContext();

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