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[英]Create multiple dictionaries from lists with strings with fixed key values

I have a list of user info like我有一个用户信息列表,例如


And I want to output a list with multiple dictionaries inside like我想输出一个包含多个字典的列表,比如


At first I tried this起初我试过这个

user_info_keys = ["name","link","id","name","link","id","name","link","id"]

user_info_value = ["name1","link1","id1","name2","link2","id2","name3","link3","id3"]

for keys,value in zip(user_info_keys,user_info_value):
    user_info_dict = dict(zip(user_info_keys,user_info_value))

But it only outputs但它只输出


How should I change to code to get the expected result?我应该如何更改代码以获得预期的结果?

I'd probably just go with a dead-brained approach and an index to get each section:我可能只是采用一种死脑筋的方法和一个索引来获取每个部分:

user_info_keys = ["name","link","id","name","link","id","name","link","id"]

user_info_value = ["name1","link1","id1","name2","link2","id2","name3","link3","id3"]

outputs = [
    dict(zip(user_info_keys[i:i+3], user_info_value[i:i+3]))
    for i in range(0, len(user_info_keys), 3)

Note that this will fail if there aren't exactly 3 keys for each dict.请注意,如果每个 dict 没有正好 3 个键,这将失败。

You're on the same track I'd take - zipping lists together to create the dicts.你在我想要的同一条轨道上 - 将列表压缩在一起以创建 dicts。

You just need to break up your list into chunks and do it to each chunk.你只需要把你的列表分成几块,然后对每个块做。

There's an example of a grouper function in the itertools docs that can be used for this. itertools 文档中有一个 grouper 函数的示例,可用于此目的。

from itertools import zip_longest

def grouper(iterable, n, fillvalue=None):
    "Collect data into fixed-length chunks or blocks"
    # grouper('ABCDEFG', 3, 'x') --> ABC DEF Gxx"
    args = [iter(iterable)] * n
    return zip_longest(*args, fillvalue=fillvalue)

keys = ["name", "link", "id"]

user_info = ["name1","link1","id1","name2","link2","id2","name3","link3","id3"]

groups = grouper(user_info, n=len(keys), fillvalue='')

users = [dict(zip(keys, values)) for values in groups]

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