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是否可以根据 Nginx 中的请求标头动态设置 Brotli 压缩级别?

[英]Is it possible to set Brotli compression level dynamically based on the request headers in Nginx?

I'm using Brotli for response compression, and doing this in Nginx using nginx-brotli module .我正在使用 Brotli 进行响应压缩,并使用nginx-brotli 模块在 Nginx 中执行此操作

I would like to set the value for brotli_comp_level dynamically based on the request headers, so that clients on slow networks could request higher compression.我想根据请求标头动态设置brotli_comp_level的值,以便慢速网络上的客户端可以请求更高的压缩。 How can I achieve this?我怎样才能做到这一点?

I tried to no avail:我试过无济于事:

http {

  brotli on;
  brotli_comp_level 6;
  brotli_types *;

  if ($http_x_brotli_high_quality) {
    brotli_comp_level 11;

It is not possible with the stock/packaged Brotli module from NGINX Plus. NGINX Plus 的库存/打包 Brotli 模块是不可能的。

You can, however, custom compile (not recommended for production) with the following pull request integrated.但是,您可以自定义编译(不推荐用于生产)并集成以下拉取请求

Or, if the budget allows, use the nginx-module-brotli module package from NGINX Extras , which has the aforementioned pull request integrated into the packages.或者,如果预算允许,请使用NGINX Extras 中nginx-module-brotli模块包,它将上述拉取请求集成到包中。 This option requires a CentOS/RHEL machine and maintaining a paid subscription with GetPageSpeed.此选项需要 CentOS/RHEL 机器并使用 GetPageSpeed 维护付费订阅。

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