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[英]Filtering rows of numpy array based on whether row elements are in another array

I have an array group which is Nx2:我有一个数组group ,它是 Nx2:

array([[    1,     6],
       [    1,     0],
       [    2,     1],
       [40196, 40197],
       [40196, 40198],
       [40196, 40199]], dtype=uint32)

and another array selection which is (M,):另一个数组selection是 (M,):

array([3216, 3217, 3218, ..., 8039]) 

I want to create a new array containing all the rows of group where both elements are in selection .我想创建一个新数组,其中包含两个元素都在selectiongroup所有行。 This is how I did it:我是这样做的:

np.array([(i,j) for (i,j) in group if i in selection and j in selection])

This works, but I know there must be a more efficient way that takes advantage of some numpy function.这有效,但我知道必须有一种更有效的方法来利用一些 numpy 函数。

You can use np.isin to get a boolean array of the same shape as group that says whether an element is in selection .您可以使用np.isin获取与group形状相同的布尔数组,该数组表示元素是否在selection Then, to check whether both of the entries in rows are in selection , you can use all with axis=1 , which will give a 1D boolean array that says which rows to keep.然后,要检查 rows 中的两个条目是否都在selection ,您可以将allaxis=1 ,这将给出一个一维布尔数组,说明要保留哪些行。 We finally index with it:我们最终用它索引:

group[np.isin(group, selection).all(axis=1)]


>>> group

array([[    1,     6],
       [    1,     0],
       [    2,     1],
       [40196, 40197],
       [40196, 40198],
       [40196, 40199]])

>>> selection

array([    1,     2,     3,     4,     5,     6, 40196, 40199])

>>> np.isin(group, selection)

array([[ True,  True],
       [ True, False],
       [ True,  True],
       [ True, False],
       [ True, False],
       [ True,  True]])

>>> np.isin(group, selection).all(axis=1)

array([ True, False,  True, False, False,  True])

>>> group[np.isin(group, selection).all(axis=1)]

array([[    1,     6],
       [    2,     1],
       [40196, 40199]])

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