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Varnish 2.x 的“禁止”替代方案

[英]Alternative to 'ban' for Varnish 2.x

We are using below code in Varnish 4.x :我们在Varnish 4.x中使用以下代码:

 if (req.http.X-Pool) {
    ban("obj.http.X-Pool ~ " + req.http.X-Pool);

Now we are moving to Fastly which uses Varnish 2.x , so we are not getting what is the alternative to ban in Varnish 2.x现在我们正在转向使用Varnish 2.x 的Fastly,所以我们没有得到什么是禁止在 Varnish 2.x 中的替代方案

For help with Fastly Varnish/VCL I recommend reading through both:对于 Fastly Varnish/VCL 的帮助,我建议通读以下两篇文章:

I would also generally recommend reaching out to support@fastly.com (they're a good group of people).我通常还建议联系 support@fastly.com(他们是一群很好的人)。

With regards to your question, I'm unfamiliar with bans in standard Varnish, but reading through https://varnish-cache.org/docs/trunk/users-guide/purging.html#bans it suggests that a ban is a way to prevent cached content from being served.关于您的问题,我不熟悉标准 Varnish 中的bans ,但通过https://varnish-cache.org/docs/trunk/users-guide/purging.html#bans阅读它表明禁令是一种方式以防止提供缓存的内容。

So the solution depends on what you're trying to achieve when that happens.因此,解决方案取决于您在发生这种情况时要实现的目标。

If you just want to avoid the cache you can return a pass from the various subroutines like vcl_recv and vcl_hit (although from vcl_hit will cause a hit-for-pass and so that will cause the request to go straight to the backend.如果您只想避免缓存,您可以从vcl_recvvcl_hit等各种子例程返回pass (尽管来自 vcl_hit 会导致命中传递,因此将导致请求直接发送到后端。

You could also add custom logic to either vcl_recv or maybe even vcl_hit (if you want to be sure the content requested was actually cached) and from there you could trigger an error which would send you to vcl_error where you could construct a synthetic response:您还可以将自定义逻辑添加到vcl_recv或什至vcl_hit (如果您想确保请求的内容实际上已缓存),然后您可以触发一个error ,该error会将您发送到vcl_error ,您可以在其中构建合成响应:

sub vcl_hit {
  #FASTLY hit

  if (<some_condition>) {
    error 700
sub vcl_error {
  #FASTLY error

  if (obj.status == 700) {
    set obj.status = 404;

    synthetic {"
      <!doctype html>
          <meta charset="utf-8">
          <h1>404 Not Found (varnish)</h1>


Alternatively from either vcl_recv or vcl_hit you might want to restart and then have a check for the restart and do something different (change the backend or the request in some way):或者从vcl_recvvcl_hit您可能想要restart ,然后检查重新启动并执行不同的操作(以某种方式更改后端或请求):

sub vcl_recv {
  #FASTLY recv

  if (req.restarts > 0) {
    if (<some_condition>) {
      // do something

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