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[英]I want to Pass the text inside anchor tag when clicked on that tag and to show the same text on the directed page

This is my discover.html file这是我的discover.html文件

<form action="POST">
    <div class="swipe-area">
      <div class="swiper-container mySwiper">
        <div class="swiper-wrapper">
          {% for topic in topics %}
            <div class="swiper-slide">
              <a href="{% url 'content' %}" style="color: white; text-decoration: none;">
                <h1 name="headings" data-tooltip="{{ topic.description }}" data-tooltip-location="bottom">
                  {{ topic.heading }}
          {% endfor %}
        <div class="swiper-button-next"></div>
        <div class="swiper-button-prev"></div>
      <!-- <div class="swiper-button-next"></div>
      <div class="swiper-button-prev"></div> -->

I want to pass the value of h1 tag that is {{ topic.heading }} when clicked on that link to the page that link takes me.当单击该链接到该链接带我的页面时,我想将 h1 标记的值传递给{{ topic.heading }}

              <a href="{% url 'content' %}" style="color: white; text-decoration: none;">
                <h1 name="headings" data-tooltip="{{ topic.description }}" data-tooltip-location="bottom">
                  {{ topic.heading }}

Below is my views.py file下面是我的views.py文件

def content(request):
    heading = request.GET['headings']
    content = Search.objects.all().filter(title__contains = heading)
    context = {'content': content}
    return render(request, 'search/content.html', context)

So I want that variable value in my content.html page.所以我希望在我的content.html页面中使用该变量值。 Please tell me how to tackle this problem, I have been stuck here for 2 weeks.请告诉我如何解决这个问题,我已经被困在这里 2 周了。

You should add the heading in the link href.您应该在链接 href 中添加标题。

      <a href="{% url 'content' %}?heading={{topic.heading}}" style="color: white; text-decoration: none;">
        <h1 name="headings" data-tooltip="{{ topic.description }}" data-tooltip-location="bottom">
          {{ topic.heading }}

This will output something like <a href="http://localhost:8000/content?heading=foobar"></a> , then when user clicks on this link, the heading parameter will be added in request.GET .这将输出类似<a href="http://localhost:8000/content?heading=foobar"></a> ,然后当用户单击此链接时, heading参数将添加到request.GET

You need to modify your view accordingly heading = request.GET['heading'] .您需要相应地修改您的视图heading = request.GET['heading']

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