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SockJS 增加池大小

[英]SockJS increase pool size

I am using SocketJS and Stomp to send files over a backend api for being process.我正在使用 SocketJS 和 Stomp 通过后端 api 发送文件以进行处理。 My problem is that the upload function get stuck if more than two upload are done at the same time.我的问题是,如果同时完成两个以上的上传,上传功能就会卡住。


  • User 1 -> upload a file -> backend is receiving correctly the file用户 1 -> 上传文件 -> 后端正确接收文件
  • User 2 -> upload a file -> backend is receiving correctly the file用户 2 -> 上传文件 -> 后端正确接收文件
  • User 3 -> upload a file -> the backend is not called until one of the previous upload hasn't completed.用户 3 -> 上传文件 -> 在前一个上传未完成之前不会调用后端。

(after a minute User 1 complete its upload and the third upload starts) (一分钟后,用户 1 完成上传,第三次上传开始)

The error I can see through the log is the following:我可以通过日志看到的错误如下:

2021-06-28 09:43:34,884 INFO  [MessageBroker-1] org.springframework.web.socket.config.WebSocketMessageBrokerStats.lambda$initLoggingTask$0: WebSocketSession[11 current WS(5)-HttpStream(6)-HttpPoll(0), 372 total, 26 closed abnormally (26 connect failure, 0 send limit, 16 transport error)], stompSubProtocol[processed CONNECT(302)-CONNECTED(221)-DISCONNECT(0)], stompBrokerRelay[null], **inboundChannel[pool size = 2, active threads = 2**, queued tasks = 263, completed tasks = 4481], outboundChannel[pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 607], sockJsScheduler[pool size = 1, active threads = 1, queued tasks = 14, completed tasks = 581444]

It seems clear that the pool size is full:显然池大小已满:

inboundChannel[pool size = 2, active threads = 2 inboundChannel[池大小 = 2,活动线程 = 2

but I really cannot find a way to increase the size.但我真的找不到增加尺寸的方法。

This is the code:这是代码:

Client side客户端

ws = new SockJS(host + "/createTender");
stompClient = Stomp.over(ws);

Server side configuration服务器端配置

public class WebSocketBrokerConfig extends AbstractWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {


    public void configureWebSocketTransport(WebSocketTransportRegistration registration) {
        registration.setMessageSizeLimit(100240 * 10240);
        registration.setSendBufferSizeLimit(100240 * 10240);

I've already tried with changing the configureWebSocketTransport parameters but it did not work.我已经尝试过更改 configureWebSocketTransport 参数,但没有奏效。 How can I increase the pool size of the socket?如何增加套接字的池大小?

The inbound channel into the WebSocket can be overwritten by using this method:可以使用以下方法覆盖进入 WebSocket 的入站通道:

public void configureClientInboundChannel(ChannelRegistration registration) {

The official documentation suggests to have a pool size = number of cores. 官方文档建议使用池大小 = 内核数。 For sure, since the maxPoolSize is reached then requests are handled through an internal queue.当然,由于达到了 maxPoolSize,因此请求将通过内部队列进行处理。 So, given this configuration I can process concurrently 4 requests.因此,鉴于此配置,我可以同时处理 4 个请求。

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