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如何在运行时为 Spring Boot 中的不同配置文件创建多个 bean?

[英]How to create multiple beans at runtime for different profiles in Spring Boot?

In my project I have following properties files在我的项目中,我有以下属性文件

   spring.message=Hello world from localhost environment



And below Java classes在 Java 类下面


@Profile({"dev", "qa"})
public class ProfileConfig {

    private Environment environment;

    private static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProfileConfig.class);
    public void config() {
        System.out.println("****************SERVER.PORT " + environment.getProperty("server.port"));
        LOGGER.info("Succesfully loaded the environment.");


public class Springbootprofiles {

    private static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Springbootprofiles.class);
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(Springbootprofiles.class, args);
        LOGGER.info("Springboot profiles application is running successfully.");

OUTPUT is ****************SERVER.PORT 10092 Succesfully loaded theenvironment. OUTPUT is ****************SERVER.PORT 10092 成功加载环境。

Question - 1) Why is port only from qa profile printed.问题 - 1)为什么只打印 qa 配置文件中的端口。 As dev is also an active profile, I expected port printed for dev and qa as below由于 dev 也是一个活动配置文件,我预计为 dev 和 qa 打印的端口如下

****************SERVER.PORT 10091 Succesfully loaded theenvironment. ****************SERVER.PORT 10091 成功加载环境。

****************SERVER.PORT 10092 Succesfully loaded theenvironment. ****************SERVER.PORT 10092 成功加载环境。

2) Is it possible to have two bean created at runtime, one for dev and other for qa ? 2)是否可以在运行时创建两个 bean,一个用于 dev 另一个用于 qa ? If so, how can I read bean for qa and for dev?如果是这样,我如何为 qa 和 dev 读取 bean?

you could instance your application twice and choose a specific profile for each one ( I think there is no way to start the same application starting in two ports )您可以将应用程序实例化两次并为每个应用程序选择一个特定的配置文件(我认为无法从两个端口启动相同的应用程序)

You can tell spring to use an specific properties passing the environment in one of ways below:您可以通过以下方式之一告诉 spring 使用传递环境的特定属性:

  • Putting spring.profiles.active=prd inside application.properties filespring.profiles.active=prd放在 application.properties 文件中
  • Passing by parameters when start spring app --spring.profiles.active=dev ( try config in your IDE for development using )在启动 spring 应用程序时传递参数--spring.profiles.active=dev (在您的 IDE 中尝试使用配置进行开发)
  • Running your jar on command line java -jar myjar.jar --spring.profiles.active=dev在命令行上运行你的 jar java -jar myjar.jar --spring.profiles.active=dev
  • Setting an environment var in your machine/docker/container SET SPRING_ACTIVES_PROFILE=dev在您的机器/ SET SPRING_ACTIVES_PROFILE=dev /container SET SPRING_ACTIVES_PROFILE=devSET SPRING_ACTIVES_PROFILE=dev
  • There are other ways using annotations on beans, passing jvm arguments and others还有其他方法可以在 bean 上使用注释、传递 jvm 参数等

If you need run your tests in a specific configuration ( vars, database, settings ), It's possible to pass which .properties will be used如果您需要在特定配置(vars、database、settings)中运行测试,则可以传递将使用哪个.properties

@TestPropertySource(locations = "classpath:application-qa.properties")
public class RunTest_from_onlytests_properties {

    private MockMvc mockMvc;
    @Test // org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
    public void test() throws Exception{
      // ...

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