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[英]Why my Python test generator simply doesn't work?

This is a sample script to test the use of yield... am I doing it wrong? 这是一个示例脚本,用于测试yield的使用...我做错了吗? It always returns '1'... 它总是返回'1'...


def testGen():
    for a in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]:
         yield a

w = 0
while w < 10:
    print testGen().next()
        w += 1

You're creating a new generator each time. 您每次都在创建一个新的生成器。 You should only call testGen() once and then use the object returned. 您只应调用一次testGen() ,然后使用返回的对象。 Try: 尝试:

w = 0
g = testGen()
while w < 10:
    print g.next()
    w += 1

Then of course there's the normal, idiomatic generator usage: 当然,还有正常的惯用生成器用法:

for n in testGen():
    print n

Note that this will only call testGen() once at the start of the loop, not once per iteration. 请注意,这只会在循环开始时调用一次testGen() ,而不是每次迭代调用一次。

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