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SwiftUI 更改 EditButton 文本颜色

[英]SwiftUI change EditButton Text Color

I am using Toolbar edit button to make the list edit, Below is the code I am using, I want to change the text color of EditButton(), there is no straight forward approach I found, Kindly help我正在使用工具栏编辑按钮进行列表编辑,下面是我正在使用的代码,我想更改 EditButton() 的文本颜色,我没有找到直接的方法,请帮忙

    List {
            ForEach(viewModel.datas) { data in
            .onDelete { offset in
                self.indexSetToDelete = offset
        .toolbar {
           // I want to set the edit button color

It is not possible to use accentColor if you Edit button in List, you have to set a navigation trail button and need to use environment editmode如果您在列表中编辑按钮,则无法使用重音颜色,您必须设置导航轨迹按钮并且需要使用环境编辑模式

@State private var editMode: EditMode = .inactive
var body: some View {
      List {
        ForEach(viewModel.datas) { data in
        .onDelete { offset in
            self.indexSetToDelete = offset
    }.environment(\.editMode, $editMode)
        .navigationBarItems(trailing: editButton) }

private var editButton: some View {
    return Button {
        if editMode == .inactive {
            editMode = .active
        } else {
            editMode = .inactive
    } label: {
        Text(editMode == .inactive ? "Edit" : "Done")
            .body(color: Color.red)

Use func .accentColor(Color)使用 func .accentColor(Color)


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