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如何将 Shoelace 组件库添加到现有的 Stencil.js 项目

[英]How to add Shoelace library of components to existing Stencil.js project

There is a library called "shoelace" ( https://shoelace.style/getting-started/usage ) which is a collection of web components built with stencil.js.有一个名为“shoelace”( https://shoeelace.style/getting-started/usage )的库,它是使用 stencil.js 构建的 Web 组件的集合。 I would like to use the components from that library inside of my existing stencil.js project.我想在我现有的 stencil.js 项目中使用该库中的组件。

However, when I follow the instructions for a local installation using NPM, it doesn't work, even though the component appears to be loaded.但是,当我按照使用 NPM 进行本地安装的说明进行操作时,它不起作用,即使该组件似乎已加载。

I receive the following error when I try to render shoelace's button component: Class constructor SlButton cannot be invoked without 'new'当我尝试渲染鞋带的按钮组件时收到以下错误: Class constructor SlButton cannot be invoked without 'new'

This is my test-button.tsx component:这是我的test-button.tsx组件:

import { Component, h} from '@stencil/core';

import '@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/themes/base.css';

import SlButton from '@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/components/button/button';

  tag: 'test-button',
  shadow: true,

export class TestButton {

  render() {

    return (

What is wrong here?这里有什么问题?

Shoelace is no longer developed with Stencil.鞋带不再使用 Stencil 开发。 As of beta.29, it uses Lit .从 beta.29 开始,它使用Lit However, the end result is still a collection of custom elements, so you can use them anywhere.但是,最终结果仍然是自定义元素的集合,因此您可以在任何地方使用它们。

First, install Shoelace:首先,安装鞋带:

npm i @shoelace-style/shoelace 

Then, in your Stencil component, import the Shoelace element(s) you want to use like this:然后,在您的 Stencil 组件中,导入您要使用的 Shoelace 元素,如下所示:

import '@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/components/button/button';

The custom elements are registered via side effect.自定义元素通过副作用注册。 To use them in your JSX, use the corresponding HTML tag:要在 JSX 中使用它们,请使用相应的 HTML 标记:

render() {
  return <sl-button type="primary">Click me!</sl-button>;

Note: if you're not seeing any styles, you'll also want to load the light or dark theme .注意:如果您没有看到任何样式,您还需要加载 light 或 dark theme

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