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使用 jq 将 json 转换为 csv

[英]Using jq to convert json to csv

I'm trying to come up with the correct jq syntax to convert json to csv.我正在尝试提出正确的 jq 语法来将 json 转换为 csv。

Desired results:预期结果:

  • note that also need to ignore objects with empty "agent_priorities"请注意,还需要忽略具有空“agent_priorities”的对象


    "id": 0,
    "name": "General",
    "agent_priorities": {
      "user1@whatever.nevermind.no": "normal",
      "user2@whatever.nevermind.no": "normal"
    "id": 1,
    "name": "local",
    "agent_priorities": {
      "user1@whatever.nevermind.no": "normal"
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Engineering",

Store the id and name in variables, then iterate over the keys of agent_priorities :将 id 和 name 存储在变量中,然后遍历agent_priorities的键:

jq -r '.[] 
       | .id as $id 
       | .name as $name 
       | .agent_priorities 
       | keys 
       | .[] 
       | [., $id, $name ] 
       | @csv
      ' file.json

The following variant of the accepted answer checks for the existence of the "agent_priorities" key as per the requirements, and uses keys_unsorted to preserve the order of the keys:接受的答案的以下变体根据要求检查“agent_priorities”键的存在,并使用keys_unsorted保留键的顺序:

jq -r '
       | select(has("agent_priorities"))
       | .id as $id 
       | .name as $name 
       | .agent_priorities 
       | keys_unsorted[]
       | [., $id, $name ] 
       | @csv
      ' file.json

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