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[英]pybind11: Enum vs Enum Class?

I understand the difference between enums and enum classes in the context of C++, but in the context of binding enums and enum classes is there any real difference?我理解枚举和枚举类在 C++ 上下文中的区别,但是在绑定枚举和枚举类的上下文中,有什么真正的区别吗?

Say for example:比如说:

enum class options {

enum words {

I've just been binding them the same way (see below), so my question is, am I overlooking something, or are enums and enum classes effectively identical in the context of binding them to python with pybind11?我刚刚以相同的方式绑定它们(见下文),所以我的问题是,我是否忽略了某些东西,或者在使用 pybind11 将它们绑定到 python 的上下文中,枚举和枚举类是否有效相同?

py::enum_<options>(m, "options")
    .value("maybe", options::maybe)
    .value("yes", options::yes)
    .value("no", options::no);

py::enum_<words>(m, "words")
    .value("hello", words::hello)
    .value("world", words::world)

According to the docs , it appears that the only difference is:根据docs ,似乎唯一的区别是:

The enum_::export_values() function exports the enum entries into the parent scope, which should be skipped for newer C++11-style strongly typed enums. enum_::export_values()函数将枚举条目导出到父作用域,对于较新的 C++11 风格的强类型枚举,应该跳过它。

So by not calling export_values , Python will require the enum name as part of the scope when specifying values, which is conceptually closer to enum class than enum .因此,通过调用export_values ,Python 在指定值时将需要 enum 名称作为范围的一部分,这在概念上更接近enum class不是enum

Worth noting that Python's Enum doesn't allow implicit int conversions like C++'s enum .值得注意的是,Python 的Enum不允许像 C++ 的enum那样进行隐式int转换。 For that you need IntEnum - but I'm not sure if you can create IntEnum s from pybind.为此你需要IntEnum -但我不知道你是否可以创建IntEnum从pybind秒。

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