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[英]Ternary operator for two conditions

I wrote the basic javascript which take year and check conditions whether it is leap year or not how can I make ternary operator like that我写了基本的javascript,它需要年份并检查条件是否是闰年我怎样才能像这样制作三元运算符

gYear=prompt("enter the year");
let abc = (yr) => {
  alert((yr / 4 === 0 && !(yr / 100) === 0 )? "leap year" : "not leap year");

I find it's usually best to not even use the ternary operator.我发现通常最好甚至不使用三元运算符。 Some languages don't even have one:有些语言甚至没有:

 function isleapYear(year) { return year % 4 === 0 && year % 100 !== 0; } for (let y of [2021, 2020, 2000]) { let b = isleapYear(y); console.log(b); }

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