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[英]I want to set a theme for what looks Posts

I am setting up a Git blog, and the entire content of the post is displayed on the blog screen.我正在建立一个 Git 博客,帖子的全部内容都显示在博客屏幕上。 I want to make the post in preview form.我想以预览形式发布帖子。 Is there any way?有什么办法吗?

For example, I want to make the first photo look like the second photo.例如,我想让第一张照片看起来像第二张照片。

GitHub 页面


Open your browser developer console and check:打开您的浏览器开发者控制台并检查:

  • what HTML code has been generate for your css files (is it there, using absolute or relative paths?)为您的 css 文件生成了哪些 HTML 代码(是否存在,使用绝对路径还是相对路径?)
  • for any error message which would indicate a missing resource (like CSS files)对于任何表明缺少资源的错误消息(如 CSS 文件)

That would explain why the uploaded code does not reflect your style sheets.这将解释为什么上传的代码不反映您的样式表。

Check also your Hexo settings for GitHub pages deployment还要检查GitHub 页面部署的 Hexo 设置


声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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