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如果条件为真,如何在场景之间切换 JavaFX

[英]how can switch between scenes if the condition is true JavaFX

I am creating a login system using javaFX .我正在使用 javaFX 创建登录系统。 When the user enters correct username and password the system should open a new scene called "Dashbord".当用户输入正确的用户名和密码时,系统应该打开一个名为“Dashbord”的新场景。 here is my login function这是我的登录功能

public void validatelogin() throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
    String jdbcURL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/medibase";
    String username = "root";
    String password = "0852";
    Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcURL,username,password);
    String uname = username1.getText();
    String psd = password1.getText();
    pst=connection.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM user_account WHERE username=? and password=?");
    pst.setString(1, uname);
    pst.setString(2, psd);
    rs = pst.executeQuery();
    } else{
        loginmessagelabel.setText("Login failed");


when a user enters correct username and password, I have called switchtoSC1 method, but this is not working.当用户输入正确的用户名和密码时,我调用了 switchtoSC1 方法,但这不起作用。 here is the method,,这是方法,,

public void switchtoSC1(ActionEvent event)throws IOException {
    Parent root = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("Dashboard.fxml"));
    stage = (Stage)((Node)event.getSource()).getScene().getWindow();
    scene=new Scene(root);


As @James_D already said you have to pass a non-null event to get the stage variable, and you should also change the scene in the same stage instead of creating a new stage again, 'cause this will not take care of resources and will slow down the application.正如@James_D 已经说过你必须传递一个非空事件来获取舞台变量,你还应该在同一舞台改变场景而不是再次创建一个新的舞台,因为这不会处理资源并且会减慢应用程序。

Also, looking at your login code, I would suggest you to get the database row only by username, and then compare passwords (better if they're password hashes or much better with salted-hashes) as variables.另外,查看您的登录代码,我建议您仅通过用户名获取数据库行,然后将密码(如果它们是密码散列或加盐散列更好)作为变量进行比较。 This because resultset can be tricky and you don't want to base your authentication on it.这是因为结果集可能很棘手,而且您不想基于它进行身份验证。

public void validateLogin(Connection conn) {

    String username = username1.getText(); // you should obviously prevent username 
                                           // duplication in the signin page code
    String password = password1.getText();

    String queryStr = "select * from user_account where username=?";

    try (PreparedStatement prepStmt = conn.prepareStatement(queryStr)) {

        prepStmt.setString(1, username);
        ResultSet rset = prepStmt.executeQuery();

        if (!rset.next())
            throw new LoginFailedException(); // the username doesn't match any database 
                                              // row

        byte[] passwordHash = rset.getBytes("passwordColumn"); // get the password hash from 
                                                               // the resultset

        byte[] inputHash = someHashingFunction(password); // get the input hash with the same 
                                                          // function used to store passwords, 
                                                          // so that you get the same result 
                                                          // inputting the same password

        checkHashes(passwordHash, inputHash))
        switchScene(); // some method or block to switch scenes

    } catch (LoginFailedException e) {
        // show some error scene here

public void checkHashes(byte[] passwordHash, byte[] inputHash) throw LoginFailedException {

    for (int x = 0; x < inputHash.length; x++) {
        if (passwordHash[x] != inputHash[x]) {
            throw new LoginFailedException();

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