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基于 ObservableCollection 中项目的属性使用 CanExecute 创建命令

[英]Create Command with CanExecute based on the Property of an item in an ObservableCollection

I have a ViewModel with a property of type ObservableCollection<T> called Items where T is a class that contains a property called IsSelected of type bool that raises the PropertyChanged event when it's value is changed.我有一个 ViewModel,其类型为ObservableCollection<T>的属性称为Items ,其中T是一个类,其中包含一个名为IsSelected的类型为boolPropertyChanged ,该PropertyChanged在其值更改时引发PropertyChanged事件。

I have a Button that is bound to a Command and I want that Button to be enabled if at least one of the Items' IsSelected property is true and disabled otherwise.我有一个Button绑定到一个Command ,我想那个Button启用如果至少一个Items' IsSelected属性为true ,并禁用否则。 I'm trying to do this with ReactiveCommand from ReactiveUI so it would look something like this:我正在尝试使用ReactiveCommand的 ReactiveCommand 来执行此操作,因此它看起来像这样:

this.SubmitCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask(SubmitItems,
     this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.Items).Select(x => x.Any(i => i.IsSelected));

But this doesn't seem to work and I figure that's because the Subscription isn't monitoring the IsSelected property of the Item so when an Item is selected, there's no notification to the Subscription . But this doesn't seem to work and I figure that's because the Subscription isn't monitoring the IsSelected property of the Item so when an Item is selected, there's no notification to the Subscription . Anyway, any help would be greatly appreciate it.无论如何,任何帮助将不胜感激。 I think this ReactiveUI stuff is really cool and I'm trying to learn it.我认为这个 ReactiveUI 的东西真的很酷,我正在努力学习它。

I would use DynamicData.我会使用动态数据。

var canExecute = Items.ToObservableChangeSet()
    x => x.WhenAnyValue(item => item.IsSelected))
  .Select(x => x.Any(item => item.IsSelected));


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