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如何使用 JSON 查询将数组转换为字符串

[英]How to convert array to String using JSON Query

   "pull_request": {
     "patch_url": null,
   "created_at": "2012-11-14T15:25:33Z",
   "comments": 0,
   "labels": [
       "color": "ededed
   "id": 8356941,
   "assignees": [
        "login": "Paul",
        "id": 444
        "login": "Steve",
        "id": 222

By JSON Query通过 JSON 查询

assignees[*].login , getting below output. assignees[*].login ,低于输出。


But required as comma separated string without quotes as below,但需要作为逗号分隔的字符串,不带引号,如下所示,

Paul, Steve

How to do this in JSON Query?如何在 JSON 查询中做到这一点?

You can use JSON.stringify as below:您可以使用 JSON.stringify 如下:


 const obj = { "pull_request": { "patch_url": null, }, "created_at": "2012-11-14T15:25:33Z", "comments": 0, "labels": [{ "color": "ededed" }], "id": 8356941, "assignees": [{ "login": "Paul", "id": 444 }, { "login": "Steve", "id": 222 } ] } const myJSON = JSON.stringify(obj); console.log(myJSON);

If you would like to get comma seperated string for the array it can be done using join()如果您想为数组获取逗号分隔的字符串,可以使用join()

 const names = ["Paul","Steve"]; console.log(names.join(", "));



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