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映射两个数组并在 Javascript(React) 中进行比较

[英]Map two arrays and compare in Javascript(React)

i built a table and it has too long columns, and i was asked to create a checkbox group where a user can sort what columns he or she wanna see.我建立了一个表格,它的列太长,我被要求创建一个复选框组,用户可以在其中对他或她想要查看的列进行排序。 He can uncheck any checkbox to hide the specific column and check to show.他可以取消选中任何复选框以隐藏特定列并选中以显示。

Lets's say, this is my table column array:比方说,这是我的表列数组:

const column = [
  key: '123',
  title: 'column_a',
  key: '234',
  title: 'column_b',
  key: '345',
  title: 'column_c',
  key: '567',
  title: 'column_d',

I created the checkbox group in the way that it returns an array when on change, like this:我以在更改时返回数组的方式创建了复选框组,如下所示:

const selectedOnes = ["column_b", "column_c"];

And i only want the column those match selectedOnes我只想要那些匹配selectedOnescolumn

To find the selected columns you can use this要查找选定的列,您可以使用它

const filteredColumns = (columns, selectedColumns)=>{
  return columns.filter(column => selectedColumns.includes(column.title))

Are you looking matched array like this你在看这样匹配的数组吗

 const column = [ { key: '123', title: 'column_a', }, { key: '234', title: 'column_b', }, { key: '345', title: 'column_c', }, { key: '567', title: 'column_d', } ] const selectedOnes = ["column_b", "column_c"]; const result = column.filter(col => { return selectedOnes.find(selected=> selected === col.title) }) console.log(result);

I think you are trying to filter columns from the table dynamically.我认为您正在尝试动态过滤表中的列。

The following code will help you.下面的代码会帮助你。

import { useState } from "react";
import "./styles.css";

function removeValFromArray(array, item) {
  return array.filter((f) => f !== item);

export default function App() {
  const [selectedColumns, setSelctedColumns] = useState([]);

  function onHandler(col, checked) {
    if (checked) {
      if (!selectedColumns.includes(col)) {
        setSelctedColumns([...selectedColumns, col]);
    } else {
      let temp = removeValFromArray(selectedColumns, col);

  return (
    <div className="App">
          onChange={(e) => {
            onHandler(e.target.value, e.target.checked);
          onChange={(e) => {
            onHandler(e.target.value, e.target.checked);
          onChange={(e) => {
            onHandler(e.target.value, e.target.checked);
      <br />
      <h3>Selected Columns</h3>
        {selectedColumns.map((col) => {
          return <li>{col}</li>;

Demo - https://codesandbox.io/embed/nervous-wind-s0htq?fontsize=14&hidenavigation=1&theme=dark演示 - https://codesandbox.io/embed/nervous-wind-s0htq?fontsize=14&hidenavigation=1&theme=dark

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