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Quarkus - 在 Raspberry PI 中部署

[英]Quarkus - Deploy in Raspberry PI

i would like to deploy my Quarkus app in a raspberry pi with jvm mode.我想在具有 jvm 模式的树莓派中部署我的 Quarkus 应用程序。 But this image registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimal:8.4 is not compatible with arm.但是这个镜像 registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimal:8.4 与 arm 不兼容。

Linux ubuntu 5.11.0-1012-raspi #13-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT Thu Jun 17 10:47:05 UTC 2021 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux

I don't know if this feature is / will be planned but in doubt, i ask this problem.我不知道这个功能是否/将被计划但有疑问,我问这个问题。 I will try with native image.我将尝试使用本机图像。

Edit : i've just seen this issue https://github.com/quarkusio/quarkus-images/issues/83编辑:我刚刚看到这个问题https://github.com/quarkusio/quarkus-images/issues/83

There are ubi8 images for arm but only for 64 bits OS's. arm 有 ubi8 映像,但仅适用于 64 位操作系统。 It's working for me on Ubuntu server 64 bits:它在 64 位 Ubuntu 服务器上对我有用:

Linux ubuntu 5.11.0-1007-raspi #7-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT Wed Apr 14 22:08:05 UTC 2021 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux

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