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在 W3 上验证我的代码时出现这些错误

[英]I got these error when validating my code on W3

I put this code on W3 validator: <img scr="https://placebear.com/800/700" alt="bears"><br><br>我将此代码放在 W3 验证器上: <img scr="https://placebear.com/800/700" alt="bears"><br><br>

and got these two errors:并得到这两个错误:

The first one is saying Attribute scr not allowed on element img at this point.第一个是说此时元素 img 上不允许使用属性 scr。

and the second one is saying Element img is missing required attribute src.第二个是说元素 img 缺少必需的属性 src。

anyone knows why?有谁知道为什么?

<img scr="https://placebear.com/800/700" alt="bears"/>应该改为<img src="https://placebear.com/800/700" alt="bears"/> src 有错字。

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