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等待 OTP 进程退出

[英]Await an OTP process to exit

Suppose you have an OTP process whose completion you want to synchronously wait on (where "completion" may be a normal exit or a crash, stop, etc.).假设您有一个 OTP 进程,您希望同步等待其完成(其中“完成”可能是正常退出或崩溃、停止等)。

Suppose further that for business reasons, you can't spawn this process with Task.async/1 or related Task utilities—it has to be a "normal" process not dependent on Task.await/2 .进一步假设出于业务原因,您不能使用Task.async/1或相关的Task实用程序生成此进程——它必须是一个不依赖于Task.await/2的“正常”进程。

Is there a better way to do this than simply intermittently polling Process.alive?/1 ?有没有比简单地间歇性地轮询Process.alive?/1更好的方法Process.alive?/1 This strikes me as the sort of thing there's probably an established pattern for, but for the life of me I can't find it.这让我印象深刻,因为这种事情可能有一个既定的模式,但对于我的生活,我找不到它。

def await(pid, timeout) when timeout <= 0 do
  if Process.alive?(pid) do
    Process.exit(pid, :kill) # (or however you want to handle timeouts)

@await_sleep_ms 500
def await(pid, timeout) do
  # Is there a better way to do this?
  if Process.alive?(pid) do
    await(pid, subtract_timeout(timeout, @await_sleep_ms))

The Process.monitor/1 function monitors the given process from the calling process. Process.monitor/1函数从调用进程监视给定进程。 Combining this with receive , you can react to your process mailbox.将此与receive结合使用,您可以对您的流程邮箱做出反应。

defmodule Await do
  def spawn do
    Kernel.spawn(fn -> :timer.sleep(2000) end)
  def await_down(pid) do
    ref = Process.monitor(pid)
    receive do
      {:DOWN, ^ref, :process, ^pid, _reason} = message -> {:ok, message}
      3000 -> {:error, :timeout}

pid = Await.spawn()
# => #PID<0.332.0>

# => {:ok, {:DOWN, #Reference<0.4083290149.3661365255.180715>, :process, #PID<0.332.0>, :normal}}

Note the pattern matching inside the receive block, to ensure not only the message is from your process, but that is comes from that specific monitoring.注意接收块内的模式匹配,以确保消息不仅来自您的进程,而且来自特定的监控。

It looks like Process.monitor/1 might be what you're looking for?看起来Process.monitor/1可能是你要找的? Example from the docs:文档中的示例:

pid = spawn(fn -> 1 + 2 end)
#=> #PID<0.118.0>
#=> #Reference<0.906660723.3006791681.40191>
Process.exit(pid, :kill)
#=> true
receive do
  msg -> msg
#=> {:DOWN, #Reference<0.906660723.3006791681.40191>, :process, #PID<0.118.0>, :noproc}

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