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有没有办法在 DynamoDB 查询中获得特定范围的结果?

[英]Is there a way to get a specific range of results in a DynamoDB query?

I am querying a DynamoDB table with table.query() .我正在使用table.query()查询 DynamoDB 表。 I found that a FilterExpression can filter the results further, but I can't seem to find a way to simply filter a range of the results.我发现FilterExpression可以进一步过滤结果,但我似乎找不到一种方法来简单地过滤一系列结果。

What I mean is that if the table has say 100 items, and the query matches 20 of them, is there a way to get say items 11-15 from those 20?我的意思是,如果表中有 100 个项目,并且查询匹配其中的 20 个,有没有办法从这 20 个项目中获取 11-15 个项目?

Thanks in advance!提前致谢!

Yes, both in Query/Scan you can set batch limit(Number of items to want to read).是的,在查询/扫描中,您都可以设置批量限制(要阅读的项目数)。

QueryRequest queryRequest = new QueryRequest()
                .withIndexName("index_name") // If you have any
                .withScanIndexForward(false) // To sort the results, only supported in Query. Not in Scan
                .withLimit(LIMIT) // Batch Size/Limit
                .withExclusiveStartKey(lastKeys); // Set the LastEvaluatedKey, if not it can NULL
QueryResult result = ddb.query(queryRequest);
Map<String, AttributeValue> lastKeys = result.getLastEvaluatedKey(); // You can pass these keys in your next call

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