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在 vimrc 缩写中使用通配符

[英]using wildcards in vimrc abbreviations

I'm setting up my .vimrc for writing some HTML and currently have these lines:我正在设置我的.vimrc来编写一些 HTML,目前有以下几行:

abb <buffer> <h1> <h1></h1><ESC>?<<CR>i<C-R>=Eatchar('\m\s\<bar>/')<CR>
abb <buffer> <h2> <h2></h2><ESC>?<<CR>i<C-R>=Eatchar('\m\s\<bar>/')<CR>
abb <buffer> <h3> <h3></h3><ESC>?<<CR>i<C-R>=Eatchar('\m\s\<bar>/')<CR>
abb <buffer> <h4> <h4></h4><ESC>?<<CR>i<C-R>=Eatchar('\m\s\<bar>/')<CR>
abb <buffer> <h5> <h5></h5><ESC>?<<CR>i<C-R>=Eatchar('\m\s\<bar>/')<CR>
abb <buffer> <h6> <h6></h6><ESC>?<<CR>i<C-R>=Eatchar('\m\s\<bar>/')<CR>

Which automatically adds a closing tag to any opening h-tag I write, moves the cursor to the middle of them and gets rid of the whitespace with the function from :helpgrep Eatchar它会自动为我编写的任何打开的 h 标签添加一个结束标签,将光标移动到它们的中间,并使用来自:helpgrep Eatchar的函数去除空白

My qestion is, if there is a more elgant way of doing this, by telling vim to take take <h[1-6]> and adding a closing tag with the same number, instead of having to define each case specifically?我的问题是,如果有更优雅的方式来做到这一点,通过告诉 vim 接受 <h[1-6]> 并添加一个具有相同数字的结束标记,而不是必须专门定义每个案例? Or for that matter, is there a way to define this whole process of adding a closing tag and moving the cursor back as a function and then just specifying all the tags I want it to be applied to?或者就此而言,有没有办法定义添加结束标记并将光标移回作为函数的整个过程,然后仅指定我希望将其应用于的所有标记? Because below this I have a quite a few lines for a bunch of other tags that look almost identical.因为在此之下,我有相当多的行用于一堆看起来几乎相同的其他标签。

Neither :help abbreviations nor :help mapping can use a wildcard on the left hand side. :help abbreviations:help mapping都不能在左侧使用通配符。 One solution to that kind of problem is to loop over heading levels and create your abbreviations programatically:此类问题的一种解决方案是遍历标题级别并以编程方式创建缩写:

for level in range(1, 6)
    execute "abbreviate <buffer> <h" .. level .. "> <h" .. level .. "></h" .. level .. "><ESC>?<<CR>i<C-R>=Eatchar('\\m\\s\\<bar>/')<CR>"

It certainly is a tad more clever but I wonder if the loss of legibility is really worth it.它当然更聪明一点,但我想知道失去易读性是否真的值得。

I've written a function to satisfy my similar requirement recently.我最近写了一个函数来满足我的类似需求。 This feature can be found in other tools like VSCode.此功能可以在其他工具中找到,例如 VSCode。

When I type > , it'll try to look back to check if > is in a tag like <div> .当我输入> ,它会尝试回过头来检查>是否在像<div>这样的标签中。 If so, it will complete it and set cursor at <div>|</div> .如果是这样,它将完成它并将光标设置在<div>|</div>

Compared with emmet or snippets, this way feels more straightforward.与emmet或snippets相比,这种方式感觉更直接。

function! CompleteTag()
  let line = getline('.')
  let end = col('.') - 1
  let begin = end - 1
  let tagname_regexp = '[a-zA-Z0-9-]'

  while begin > 0
    if line[begin] !~ tagname_regexp
    let begin -= 1

  if line[begin] == '<'
    let tagname = line[begin+1:end-1]
    let move = MoveBack(len(tagname)+3)
    return '></'.tagname.'>'.move

  return '>'

function! MoveBack(n)
  let move = ''
  for i in range(0, a:n-1)
    let move .= "\<Left>"
  return move

autocmd FileType jsx,html,vue,svelte inoremap<buffer> > <c-r>=CompleteTag()<cr>
autocmd FileType jsx,html,vue,svelte inoremap<buffer> <c-cr> <cr><esc>O

I'm not sure how to parameterize a single abbreviation;我不确定如何参数化单个缩写; I suspect you'll need to delve into functions for that.我怀疑您需要为此深入研究函数。 You can, however, define a map consisting of the trailing part:但是,您可以定义由尾随部分组成的映射:

inoremap nowsp <ESC>?<<CR>i<C-R>=Eatchar('\m\s\<bar>/')<CR>

then use that map in your abbreviations然后在您的缩写中使用该地图

abb <buffer> <h1> <h1></h1>nowsp
abb <buffer> <h2> <h2></h2>nowsp
" etc

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