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调用 UpdateUserPool 操作时发生错误 (NotAuthorizedException)

[英]An error occurred (NotAuthorizedException) when calling the UpdateUserPool operation

An error occurred (NotAuthorizedException) when calling the UpdateUserPool operation: Caller needs to have kms:CreateGrant permission on provided KMS Key调用 UpdateUserPool 操作时发生错误 (NotAuthorizedException):调用方需要对提供的 KMS 密钥具有 kms:CreateGrant 权限

aws cognito-idp update-user-pool --user-pool-id {user_pool_id} --lambda-config "CustomEmailSender={LambdaVersion=V1_0,LambdaArn= lambda-arn },KMSKeyID=key-arn"

docs 文档

There is likely one of two issues going on:可能存在以下两个问题之一:

  1. You have the default KMS Key policy applied to the key-arn KMS key, but have not assigned kms:CreateGrant permission to an IAM policy applied to the user/principal running that command.您已将默认 KMS 密钥策略应用于key-arn KMS 密钥,但尚未向应用于运行该命令的用户/委托人的 IAM 策略分配kms:CreateGrant权限。
  2. You have not applied kms:CreateGrant permission for the principal running the command in the KMS key policy for the key-arn KMS key.您尚未为运行该命令的主体应用kms:CreateGrant权限,该权限在key-arn KMS 密钥的 KMS 密钥策略中运行。


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