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Laravel Eloquent 表关系查询

[英]Laravel Eloquent thee tables relationship query

I have three mysql tables :我有三个 mysql 表:

  • students (constrained with USER_ID )学生(受USER_ID约束)
  • student_in_tournament (constrained with STUDENT_ID and TOURNAMENT_ID ) student_in_tournament (受STUDENT_IDTOURNAMENT_ID约束)
  • tournaments锦标赛

I need an eloquent query who take ALL students by specified USER_ID and if these students are in the student_in_tournament table, it needs to join with the tournament table.我需要一个雄辩的查询,通过指定的USER_ID获取所有学生,如果这些学生在student_in_tournament表中,则需要加入锦标赛表。

If these students are not in the student_in_tournament , they don't need to join something.如果这些学生不在student_in_tournament 中,则他们不需要加入某些东西。

At the end, I need ALL students from one specific USER_ID , with the tournament joined if he exists in the student_in_tournament table...最后,我需要来自一个特定USER_ID所有学生,如果他存在于 student_in_tournament 表中,则参加锦标赛......

I tried a inner join, but it don't give me ALL the students, only these who are in the student_in_tournament table.我尝试了内部联接,但它并没有给我所有的学生,只有那些在student_in_tournament表中的学生。 I also tried Student::with('studentInTournament.tournaments') but it gives me 'null' in the tournaments我也试过Student::with('studentInTournament.tournaments')但它在锦标赛中给了我 'null'


Try creating a M:N relation between your Student and Tournament models.尝试在您的StudentTournament模型之间创建 M:N 关系。 Since your table and column names do not conform to what Eloquent expects, you'll need to pass all 4 parameters when creating the relationship.由于您的表名和列名不符合 Eloquent 的要求,因此您需要在创建关系时传递所有 4 个参数。

https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/eloquent-relationships#many-to-many-model-structure https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/eloquent-relationships#many-to-many-model-structure

// Student model
public function tournaments()
    return $this->belongsToMany(Tournament::class, 'student_in_tournament', 'STUDENT_ID', 'TOURNAMENT_ID');

https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/eloquent-relationships#many-to-many-defining-the-inverse-of-the-relationship https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/eloquent-relationships#many-to-many-defining-the-inverse-of-the-relationship

// Tournament model
public function students()
    return $this->belongsToMany(Student::class, 'student_in_tournament', 'TOURNAMENT_ID', 'STUDENT_ID');
$students = Student::query()
    ->where('USER_ID', $user_id) // or whereIn('USER_ID', $user_ids) if you have multiple user ids

https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/blade#loops https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/blade#loops

@foreach($students as $student)
  <!-- show student information -->
  @forelse($student->tournaments as $tournament)
    <!-- show tournament information -->
    <!-- student has no tournaments -->

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