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[英]Select first table row by default

I have this Angular application which displays selected table rows:我有这个 Angular 应用程序,它显示选定的表格行:

<div class="ag-center-cols-container" ref="eCenterContainer" role="rowgroup" unselectable="on" style="width: 432px; height: 100px;">
   <div role="row" row-index="0" aria-rowindex="2" row-id="0" comp-id="370" class="ag-row ag-row-focus ag-row-even ag-row-selected ag-row-level-0 ag-row-position-absolute ag-row-first" aria-selected="true" style="height: 50px; transform: translateY(0px); " aria-label="Press SPACE to deselect this row.">
      <div tabindex="-1" unselectable="on" role="gridcell" aria-colindex="1" comp-id="371" col-id="rowCheckbox" class="ag-cell ag-cell-not-inline-editing ag-cell-auto-height ag-cell-value" style="width: 32px; left: 0px;  ">
         <mobileweb-checkbox-selection-renderer _nghost-tkr-c21="" class="ng-star-inserted"><i _ngcontent-tkr-c21="" class="far fa-check-square"></i><i _ngcontent-tkr-c21="" class="far fa-square" hidden=""></i></mobileweb-checkbox-selection-renderer>
      <div tabindex="-1" unselectable="on" role="gridcell" aria-colindex="2" comp-id="372" col-id="lookupCode" class="ag-cell ag-cell-not-inline-editing ag-cell-auto-height ag-cell-value" style="width: 100px; left: 32px;">4</div>
      <div tabindex="-1" unselectable="on" role="gridcell" aria-colindex="3" comp-id="373" col-id="shipmentLookupCode" class="ag-cell ag-cell-not-inline-editing ag-cell-auto-height ag-cell-focus ag-cell-value" style="width: 100px; left: 132px;">20</div>
      <div tabindex="-1" unselectable="on" role="gridcell" aria-colindex="4" comp-id="374" col-id="carrierName" class="ag-cell ag-cell-not-inline-editing ag-cell-auto-height ag-cell-value" style="width: 100px; left: 232px;"></div>
      <div tabindex="-1" unselectable="on" role="gridcell" aria-colindex="5" comp-id="375" col-id="shipmentExpectedDate" class="ag-cell ag-cell-not-inline-editing ag-cell-auto-height ag-cell-value" style="width: 100px; left: 332px;">2021-01-28T16:20:35.987</div>
   <div role="row" row-index="1" aria-rowindex="3" row-id="1" comp-id="376" class="ag-row ag-row-no-focus ag-row-odd ag-row-level-0 ag-row-position-absolute ag-row-last" aria-selected="false" style="height: 50px; transform: translateY(50px); " aria-label="Press SPACE to select this row.">
      <div tabindex="-1" unselectable="on" role="gridcell" aria-colindex="1" comp-id="377" col-id="rowCheckbox" class="ag-cell ag-cell-not-inline-editing ag-cell-auto-height ag-cell-value" style="width: 32px; left: 0px;  ">
         <mobileweb-checkbox-selection-renderer _nghost-tkr-c21="" class="ng-star-inserted"><i _ngcontent-tkr-c21="" class="far fa-check-square" hidden=""></i><i _ngcontent-tkr-c21="" class="far fa-square"></i></mobileweb-checkbox-selection-renderer>
      <div tabindex="-1" unselectable="on" role="gridcell" aria-colindex="2" comp-id="378" col-id="lookupCode" class="ag-cell ag-cell-not-inline-editing ag-cell-auto-height ag-cell-value" style="width: 100px; left: 32px;">3</div>
      <div tabindex="-1" unselectable="on" role="gridcell" aria-colindex="3" comp-id="379" col-id="shipmentLookupCode" class="ag-cell ag-cell-not-inline-editing ag-cell-auto-height ag-cell-value" style="width: 100px; left: 132px;">19</div>
      <div tabindex="-1" unselectable="on" role="gridcell" aria-colindex="4" comp-id="380" col-id="carrierName" class="ag-cell ag-cell-not-inline-editing ag-cell-auto-height ag-cell-value" style="width: 100px; left: 232px;"></div>
      <div tabindex="-1" unselectable="on" role="gridcell" aria-colindex="5" comp-id="381" col-id="shipmentExpectedDate" class="ag-cell ag-cell-not-inline-editing ag-cell-auto-height ag-cell-value" style="width: 100px; left: 332px;">2021-01-28T12:36:31.057</div>

Full code https://pastebin.com/GUaHHnpA完整代码https://pastebin.com/GUaHHnpA

How I can always click on the first table row and select it using Selenium WebDriver with Java?我如何始终单击第一行并使用带有 Java 的 Selenium WebDriver 选择它?

The link that you have shared for full HTML code , does not have <body> tag in it, nonetheless it has </body> , so can you re-verify that first ?您为完整HTML code共享的链接中没有<body> tag ,但它有</body> ,所以您能先re-verify一下吗?

Now, based on the HTML code above, if the goal is to select the first table row , here is my suggestion/Recommendations.现在,根据上面的 HTML 代码,如果目标是选择第一个表格行,这是我的建议/推荐。

You can achieve that in two ways :-您可以通过两种方式实现这一目标:-

  1. Use of xpath indexing使用xpath indexing

  2. use of Selenium - findElements() method Selenium - findElements()使用Selenium - findElements()方法

Demonstration of case 1 :案例1的演示:

if this xpath如果这个xpath


represent rows in the HTML , you would see lot of entering in DOM.代表HTML行,你会看到很多进入 DOM。

and in your case, since you wanna grab the first item, it'd be something like this :在你的情况下,因为你想抓住第一项,它会是这样的:


in case if you'd like to select 2nd row , or 3rd row , we can get it done using changing this value from above xpath :如果您想选择2nd row3rd row ,我们可以通过从 xpath 上方更改此值来完成它:

[1] to [2] or [3] [1][2][3]

in code you can use it like below :在代码中,您可以像下面这样使用它:

WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 30);
WebElement firstRow = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(By.xpath("(//div[@role='row'])[1]")));

Demonstration of case 2 :案例2的演示:

2.1 : 2.1 :

List<WebElement> allRows = driver.findElements(By.xpath("//div[@role='row']"));
WebElement firstRow = allRows.get(0);


2.2 : 2.2 :

List<WebElement> allRows = driver.findElements(By.xpath("//div[@role='row']"));
for (WebElement rows : allRows) {

The below part is request by OP (additionally, it has nothing to do with the original question)以下部分是OP的要求(另外,它与原始问题无关)

if you have already implemented WebDriverEventListener Interface or extended AbstractWebDriverEventListener Class , you can make use of the below methods :如果您已经实现了WebDriverEventListener接口或扩展的AbstractWebDriverEventListener Class ,则可以使用以下方法:

WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 30);
WebElement firstRow = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(By.xpath("(//div[@role='row'])[1]")));
beforeClickOn(firstRow, driver);
afterClickOn(firstRow, driver);

and let's say this is written in class A then you can extends it like this :假设这是在class A编写的,那么您可以像这样扩展它:

public class A extends AbstractWebDriverEventListener

The first row has ag-row-first and ag-row-selected classes, you can use either one.第一行有ag-row-firstag-row-selected类,您可以使用任何一个。 This will match 3 elements (according to the html you posted in the link), so you can combine it with a parent element that doesn't have ag-hidden class这将匹配 3 个元素(根据您在链接中发布的 html),因此您可以将其与没有ag-hidden类的父元素组合

driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("div:not(.ag-hidden) > .ag-row-first"));

In general, findElement will return the first matching element in the DOM, so一般来说, findElement会返回 DOM 中第一个匹配的元素,所以


Or its equivalent或者它的等价物


Should have worked if the row was really the first in the DOM.如果该行确实是 DOM 中的第一行,则应该有效。

Using the Selenium plugin, you can find any element by XPath or CSS expressions.使用 Selenium 插件,您可以通过 XPath 或 CSS 表达式查找任何元素。

In order to find the first row using CSS expression, use this string:为了使用 CSS 表达式找到第一行,请使用以下字符串:

String cssExpresison = "div[role='row'][row-id='0']";
WebElement we = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(cssExpression));

You can use the text written in the first row via XPath:您可以通过 XPath 使用第一行中写入的文本:

String xPathExpression = "//div[contains(text(), 'Press SPACE to deselect this row')]";
WebElement we = driver.findElement(By.xpath(xPathExpression));

If we.click() does Not work, do this:如果 we.click() 不起作用,请执行以下操作:

Actions builder = new Actions(driver);            

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