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[英]Difference between region of interest & viewport

I am doing some research on adaptive streaming of omnidirectional video and wanted to know what the difference is between "viewport" and "region-of-interest."我正在对全向视频的自适应流媒体进行一些研究,并想知道“视口”和“感兴趣区域”之间的区别。 I've seen it used in the same context so I'm not exactly sure if they describe the same thing.我已经看到它在相同的上下文中使用,所以我不确定它们是否描述了相同的东西。

As mentioned in the comments, I don't think you will find any absolute definitions for these terms and ROI in particular is often used in different ways in VR.正如评论中提到的,我认为您不会找到这些术语的任何绝对定义,尤其是 ROI 在 VR 中经常以不同的方式使用。

I think the most common definitions are likely:我认为最常见的定义可能是:

  • Region of Interest - the parts of an image or scene which a viewer is most drawn to or most likely to focus on.感兴趣区域 - 观看者最吸引或最可能关注的图像或场景部分。
  • Viewport - the entire view or video window presented to the user at a given moment.视口 - 在给定时刻呈现给用户的整个视图或视频窗口。

So the viewport can contain one or more regions of interest.因此视口可以包含一个或多个感兴趣的区域。

It's gets more complicated if someone uses ROI to refer to the 'section' of a 360 video which is most likely to be of interest to the viewer.如果有人使用 ROI 来指代 360 度全景视频中观众最有可能感兴趣的“部分”,情况就会变得更加复杂。 This is not the traditional meaning but I think it is easy to see how it might be used this way.这不是传统的含义,但我认为很容易看出如何以这种方式使用它。

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