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[英]Open continuous form Access in new records

I use MS Access 2019 to build a single form to add new items details.我使用 MS Access 2019 构建单个表单以添加新项目详细信息。 I tried to add another sub form with continuous view.我尝试添加另一个具有连续视图的子表单。 I tried to find a way so the continuous from opens a new record only, but failed.我试图找到一种方法,使连续 from 仅打开一个新记录,但失败了。 It opens all previous records.它会打开所有以前的记录。 The two forms have no relationship but the data on the continuous form and the form will be added in another table.这两个表格没有关系,但是连续表格和表格上的数据会被添加到另一个表格中。

These did not work:这些没有用:

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
DoCmd.OpenForm FormName:="Form1", DataMode:=acFormAdd

Set the Data Entry property to Yes in the Data tab.Data选项卡中将Data Entry属性设置为Yes


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