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使用 SSL 保护 Spring Boot 和 Angular 应用程序的最佳方法

[英]Best way to secure Spring Boot & Angular app with SSL

What is the best way to implement SSL in Spring Boot & Angular application (frontend with backend)?在 Spring Boot 和 Angular 应用程序(前端与后端)中实现 SSL 的最佳方法是什么?

  1. Should I configure SSL in both applications separately?我应该在两个应用程序中分别配置 SSL 吗?
  2. Or should I configure SSL in Nginx web server and not taking care about securing applications?或者我应该在 Nginx Web 服务器中配置 SSL 而不关心保护应用程序?

Should I configure SSL in both applications separately?我应该在两个应用程序中分别配置 SSL 吗?

If you've built out a microservice architecture and both your spring boot application and your Angular application are served off different domains, then yes you should configure SSL on both applications.如果您已经构建了一个微服务架构,并且您的 Spring Boot 应用程序和 Angular 应用程序都由不同的域提供服务,那么是的,您应该在这两个应用程序上配置 SSL。

Or should I configure SSL in Nginx web server and not taking care about securing applications?或者我应该在 Nginx Web 服务器中配置 SSL 而不关心保护应用程序?

If you are using NGINX to serve your Angular application, then yes you should setup SSL on it.如果您使用 NGINX 来为您的 Angular 应用程序提供服务,那么是的,您应该在其上设置 SSL。

I'll add that SSL is not the only step required to secure an application.我要补充一点,SSL 不是保护应用程序所需的唯一步骤。 Many applications will require some user management with role based permissions and control access to screens in your app or REST APIs based on user permissions.许多应用程序需要一些具有基于角色的权限的用户管理,并根据用户权限控制对应用程序或 REST API 中的屏幕的访问。

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