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使用 SQL 查找访问过 URL A 和 B 的用户?

[英]Find users who have visited URL A and B with SQL?

Let's say you have a table with user, url, datetime , in which each row is a website visit.假设您有一个包含user, url, datetime的表,其中每一行都是一次网站访问。

How to find users who have visited both an URL contaning string pattern A and visited an URL containing string pattern B?如何找到既访问过包含字符串模式 A 的 URL 又访问包含字符串模式 B 的 URL 的用户?

The fact it's "containing a string pattern ...", and not a simple equality makes it impossible to use a query with something like事实上它“包含一个字符串模式......”,而不是一个简单的相等性使得不可能使用类似的查询

url in ('action1.php', 'action2.php')

like in SQL querying a customer ID who ordered both product A and B .就像在SQL 中查询同时订购产品 A 和 B 的客户 ID一样。

You can use group by and having :您可以使用group byhaving

select user
from t
where url like '%a%' or
      url like '%b%'
group by user
having sum(url like '%a%') > 0 and
       sum(url like '%b%') > 0;

If you don't want to repeat the comparisons, you can leave out the where clause or use:如果不想重复比较,可以省略where子句或使用:

select user
from (select t.*, (url like '%a%') as has_a, (url like '%n%') as has_b
      from t
     ) t
where has_a or has_b
group by user
having sum(has_a) > 0 and
       sum(has_b) > 0;

Assuming "/testing" and "/staging" are the two URL patterns.假设“/testing”和“/staging”是两种 URL 模式。 You can use this你可以用这个

SELECT   user
FROM     `table`
WHERE    url LIKE '%/testing%' or
         url LIKE '%/staging%'
HAVING   (COUNT(url LIKE '%/testing%') > 0 and COUNT(url LIKE '%/staging%') > 0)

If you need more info on pattern matching you can do a search on "pattern matching SQL" and "SQL regular expression".如果您需要有关模式匹配的更多信息,您可以搜索“模式匹配 SQL”和“SQL 正则表达式”。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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