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this.props.history.push 不适用于 onChange 方法

[英]this.props.history.push not working in method for onChange

What I am trying to do is that when a user clicks on an option in the dropdown list, it acts as a filter and takes them to a page with the specific query params matching their filtering.我想要做的是,当用户单击下拉列表中的选项时,它充当过滤器并将它们带到具有与其过滤匹配的特定查询参数的页面。 In theory, when a user selects an option, it should use the target.value of that option to take them to that specific page.理论上,当用户选择一个选项时,它应该使用该选项的 target.value 将他们带到该特定页面。 But when I click on the different options, it does nothing to the URL.但是当我点击不同的选项时,它对 URL 没有任何作用。 It doesn't take the user anywhere, it just stays on the same page.它不会将用户带到任何地方,它只是停留在同一页面上。 If you manually type in those query params, it will take you to the needed page, but the method with this.props.history.push simply does nothing.如果你手动输入这些查询参数,它会带你到需要的页面,但是带有 this.props.history.push 的方法什么都不做。 And there are no errors that come up either.而且也没有出现错误。 How can I make it take me to the needed page?我怎样才能让它带我到需要的页面?

App.js - App.js -

import React from 'react';
import './style.css';
import { Route, Link, Switch } from 'react-router-dom';
import UserRoute from './components/User.js';
import SelectedAge from './components/SelectAge.js';
import SelectedJob from './components/SelectJob.js';

const users = [
    name: 'Vasila',
    age: 16,
    hobby: 'Reading Trashy Romance Novels',
    job: 'Programmer',
    id: 1
    name: 'Sheravgan',
    age: 20,
    hobby: 'Speaking German',
    job: 'Programmer',
    id: 2
    name: 'Lola',
    age: 17,
    hobby: 'Loving Crickets',
    job: 'Designer',
    id: 3
    name: 'Jammy',
    age: 20,
    hobby: 'Inventing new words',
    job: 'Programmer',
    id: 4
    name: 'Amirjan',
    age: 17,
    hobby: 'Being amazing',
    job: 'Neurosurgeon',
    id: 5
    name: 'Mans',
    age: 18,
    hobby: 'Taking aesthetic pics',
    job: 'Unknown',
    id: 6

export default class App extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {

    this.ageSelect = this.ageSelect.bind(this);
    this.jobSelect = this.jobSelect.bind(this);

  ageSelect(e) {
    () => {

  jobSelect(e) {
    () => {

  render() {
    return (
            render={() => (
                <h1>Our Users: </h1>
                <hr />
                  <b>Filter by:</b>
                <br />
                <select id="age" placeholder="Age" onChange={this.ageSelect}>
                  <option value="Age" selected disabled>
                  <option value="16">16</option>
                  <option value="17">17</option>
                  <option value="18">18</option>
                  <option value="19">19</option>
                  <option value="20">20</option>
                  style={{ margin: 10 }}
                  <option value="Job" selected disabled>
                  <option value="Programmer">Programmer</option>
                  <option value="Designer">Designer</option>
                  <option value="Neurosurgeon">Neurosurgeon</option>
                  <option value="Unknown">Unknown</option>
                  <Link to="/">Clear</Link>
                  {users.map(user => (
                      <li key={user.id}>
                        <Link to={'/user/' + user.id}>{user.name}</Link>
          <Route path="/user/:id" component={UserRoute} />
          <Route path="/filter_age/:age" component={SelectedAge} />
          <Route path="/filter_job/:job" component={SelectedJob} />
          <Route path="*" component={App} />

index.js - index.js -

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import App from './App';
import reportWebVitals from './reportWebVitals';
import { BrowserRouter } from 'react-router-dom';

      <App />

You can look at the entire project and fiddle with it on this stackblitz link.您可以查看整个项目并在此 stackblitz 链接上进行修改。

You function definition is incorrect, Its function inside function..你的函数定义不正确,它的函数内部函数..

ageSelect(e) {

jobSelect(e) {

you are declaring an anonymous function.您正在声明一个匿名函数。

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