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从 Azure blob 存储下载所有文件,将其压缩并在 JAVA 中上传 zip 文件

[英]Download all the files from Azure blob storage , zip it and upload the zip file in JAVA

I want to download all the files from Azure blob storage, create a zip file out of these files and upload the zip file back to the blob storage.我想从 Azure blob 存储下载所有文件,从这些文件中创建一个 zip 文件并将 zip 文件上传回 blob 存储。 As the file size can be very large, I dont want to max out the memory.由于文件大小可能非常大,我不想最大化内存。 Also this operation needs to be very FAST.此外,此操作需要非常快。

JAVA SDK - azure-storage-blob 12.8.0 JAVA SDK - azure-storage-blob 12.8.0

EDIT : Code written so far.编辑:到目前为止编写的代码。 Not sure how to proceed further with uploading pipedinputstream data parallely.不确定如何进一步并行上传管道输入流数据。

 String zipFileName = formFileName(exportRequest, requestId);
        final PipedOutputStream pipedOutputStream = new PipedOutputStream();
        final PipedInputStream pipedInputStream = new PipedInputStream(pipedOutputStream);

  AzureObjectStoreService objectStoreService =managedObjectStoreUtils.getObjectStoreService();

            if (filesToZip.size() > 0) {
                System.out.println("Files to zip "+ filesToZip.size());
                CompletableFuture<Boolean> zipCreationFuture = CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> {
                    LoggerHelper.logInfo(logger, "Inside createZIP file async function");
                    ZipOutputStream zipOutputStream = new ZipOutputStream(pipedOutputStream);
                    try {
                        for (String fileName : filesToZip) {
                            try {
                                BlobClient blobClient = objectStoreService.getBlobContainerClient().getBlobClient(fileName);
                                LoggerHelper.logInfo(logger, "Adding zipEntry for file : " + fileName);
                                final ZipEntry zipEntry = new ZipEntry(fileName);
                                byte[] buffer;
                                ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                                buffer= output.toByteArray();
                                int len;
                                while ((len = buffer.length) > 0) {
                                    zipOutputStream.write(buffer, 0, len);
                            } catch (SdkClientException e) {
                                LoggerHelper.logExceptionWithMessage(logger, this.getClass().getName(), (Exception) e);
                                LoggerHelper.logError(logger, "Failed while getting s3 object");
                    } catch (IOException ex) {
                        LoggerHelper.logExceptionWithMessage(logger, this.getClass().getName(), (Exception) ex);
                        LoggerHelper.logError(logger, "Creating zip file failed");
                    } finally {
                        try {
                            } catch (IOException e) {
                            LoggerHelper.logExceptionWithMessage(logger, this.getClass().getName(), (Exception) e);
                            LoggerHelper.logError(logger, "Failed to close the zip output stream");
                    LoggerHelper.logInfo(logger, "Completed createZIP file async function");
        //            return true;
                }).handle((o, exception) -> {
                    LoggerHelper.logExceptionWithMessage(logger, this.getClass().getName(), (Exception) exception);
                    LoggerHelper.logError(logger, "Creating zip file failed");
                    return null;

Was able to do it this way.能够做到这一点。 Please let me know if anyone has a better approach.请让我知道是否有人有更好的方法。

CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> {
                    BlobClient blobClient = objectStoreService.getBlobContainerClient().getBlobClient(zipFileName);
                    BlobOutputStream blobOutputStream = blobClient.getBlockBlobClient().getBlobOutputStream();

                     try {
                            int nextData= pipedInputStream.read();
                            while (nextData!=-1) {
                                nextData = pipedInputStream.read();
                        } catch (IOException e) {

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