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OracleDataReader reader.Read() 从第二个记录行开始读取行,跳过第一行记录

[英]OracleDataReader reader.Read() starts to read rows from the second record row, skipping the first row record

I have a SQL command and it returns 8 rows from the database.我有一个 SQL 命令,它从数据库返回 8 行。

When I use reader.Read() it starts at the second line, so I loose the fist row result.当我使用 reader.Read() 时,它从第二行开始,所以我松开了第一行结果。 I don't know why it's skipping the first row record.我不知道为什么它会跳过第一行记录。

command.CommandText = "SELECT ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION, SUBSTR(ATTRIBUTE_DATATYPE, 2, 6) FROM " + proj.PID_Schema + "PIDD.ATTRIBUTES@" + proj.PID_Database + " WHERE " +
                "attribute_name LIKE 'Controller' " +
                "OR attribute_name LIKE 'Initials' " +
                "OR attribute_name LIKE 'IOType' " +
                "OR attribute_name LIKE 'NetworkType' " +
                "OR attribute_name LIKE 'SignalOutput' " +
                "OR attribute_name LIKE 'SignalInput' " +
                "OR attribute_name LIKE 'SPIInstrumentType' " +
                "OR attribute_name LIKE 'Substation' ORDER BY 1";

                reader = command.ExecuteReader();

                if (reader.HasRows)
                    while (reader.Read())
                        codelistsNumbersDict.Add(reader.GetValue(0).ToString(), reader.GetValue(1).ToString());
            catch (Exception)


            return codelistsNumbersDict;

Do you have two reads:你有两个读物:

reader = command.ExecuteReader();
reader.Read(); // <--- FIRST READ (skipe first row)

if (reader.HasRows)
    while (reader.Read())  // <---- SECOND READ

Because of this, you starting reading on second row.因此,您开始阅读第二行。

If you take a look to Retrieve data using a DataReader sample, it only has one read:如果您查看使用 DataReader 示例检索数据,它只有一次读取:

SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
                   // <-- No read here on sample!
if (reader.HasRows)
    while (reader.Read()) // <-- Just ONE READ

Doc screenshot:文档截图:

https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/data/adonet/retrieving-data-using-a-datareader 提供完整代码的屏幕截图

As mentioned in @dani-herrera's answer, you are calling reader.Read() twice.正如@dani-herrera 的回答中所提到的,您正在调用reader.Read()两次。

Also, you don't need the if (reader.HasRows) , since if there are no rows the code inside the do loop won't execute.此外,您不需要if (reader.HasRows) ,因为如果没有行,则 do 循环内的代码将不会执行。 If you need to know the rows processed, you can always add a counter.如果您需要知道处理的行,您可以随时添加一个计数器。

                reader = command.ExecuteReader();

                while (reader.Read())
                    codelistsNumbersDict.Add(reader.GetValue(0).ToString(), reader.GetValue(1).ToString());

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