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使用 CloudBuild 在 App Engine 上部署 VueJs + Node 应用程序

[英]Deploying a VueJs + Node app on App Engine w/ CloudBuild

My project is a VueJS frontend + Node Backend.我的项目是一个 VueJS 前端 + 节点后端。 The project is organized like this:该项目是这样组织的:

  /api (all the backend logic, like uploading to GCS)
  /ui (all front end logic)

My specific issue is that when the project is built, only the vue-cli portion of the project is built and deployed.我的具体问题是,在项目构建时,只构建和部署了项目的 vue-cli 部分。 The Node logic is not.节点逻辑不是。 What steps do I need to add to my cloudbuild or app.yaml files to ensure that the Node logic is being built and deployed along with the frontend code?我需要向我的 cloudbuild 或 app.yaml 文件添加哪些步骤以确保 Node 逻辑与前端代码一起构建和部署?

Here is my cloudbuild.yaml file for reference这是我的 cloudbuild.yaml 文件以供参考

- name: gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud:latest
  entrypoint: "ls"
  args: ["-lah","/workspace"]
  dir: "api"
- name: node
  entrypoint: yarn
  args: ["install"]
  dir: "api"
- name: node
  entrypoint: yarn
  args: ['run', 'build']
  dir: "api"
- name: node
  entrypoint: yarn
  args: ["install"]
  dir: "ui"
- name: node
  entrypoint: yarn
  args: ['add', '@vue/cli']
  dir: "ui"
- name: node
  entrypoint: yarn
  args: ['run', 'build']
  dir: "ui"
- name: "gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud"
  args: ["app", "deploy", "./app.yaml"]
timeout: "1600s"

Here is my app.yaml file for reference这是我的 app.yaml 文件以供参考

runtime: nodejs14
service: icx-ui
  # Serve all static files with urls ending with a file extension
- url: /(.*\..+)$ 
  static_files: ui/dist/\1
  upload: ui/dist/(.*\..+)$
  # catch all handler to index.html
- url: /.*
  static_files: ui/dist/index.html
  upload: ui/dist/index.html

Try to change the directory of your backend logic from ui to api :尝试将后端逻辑的目录从ui更改为api


- name: node
  entrypoint: yarn
  args: ['run', 'build']
  dir: "ui"


- name: node
  entrypoint: yarn
  args: ['run', 'build']
  dir: "api"

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