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添加关系导致Graph Data Science Library出错

[英]Adding a relationship leads to an error in Graph Data Science Library

I have imported 500k Nodes and 1M relationships in the DB ( Version 4.2.1) of Neo4j (1.4.7) without any problems.我在 Neo4j (1.4.7) 的 DB(版本 4.2.1)中导入了 500k 节点和 1M 关系,没有任何问题。

Furthermore I have installed the plugins APOC ( and Graph Data Science Library (1.4.1) without any errors.此外,我已经安装了插件 APOC ( 和 Graph Data Science Library (1.4.1),没有任何错误。

I'm able to inspect all nodes and relationships in the Neo4j Browser, but when I try to use the GDSL an error occurs and I have to add following line into my neo4j.conf:我能够检查 Neo4j 浏览器中的所有节点和关系,但是当我尝试使用 GDSL 时发生错误,我必须将以下行添加到我的 neo4j.conf 中:


I added the line into the config, but error still occurring.我将该行添加到配置中,但错误仍然发生。

So I tried to figure out, when the error occurs.所以我试图弄清楚,什么时候发生错误。

  • When I add all nodes into my DB the GDSL is working fine.当我将所有节点添加到我的数据库中时,GDSL 工作正常。
  • When I add my relationships step by step then the error only appears, after I added a specific relationship.当我逐步添加我的关系时,错误只会在我添加特定关系后出现。

When I skip this relationship then it is working in Neo4j Browser and GDSL.当我跳过这种关系时,它在 Neo4j 浏览器和 GDSL 中工作。 But when I add this relationship its only working in Neo4j Browser.但是当我添加这种关系时,它只能在 Neo4j 浏览器中工作。

The relationships looks like this:关系如下所示:

with p
where p.projectid = c.projectid

Nothing special.没什么特别的。

My Commit Nodes:我的提交节点:

Data columns (total 3 columns):
 #   Column     Non-Null Count  Dtype
---  ------     --------------  -----
 0   projectid  25622 non-null  int64
 1   counts     25622 non-null  int64
 2   counts2    25622 non-null  int64
dtypes: int64(3)

My Packages nodes looking like this:我的包节点如下所示:

     #   Column       Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------       --------------  ----- 
 0   packagename  26023 non-null  object
 1   versions     26023 non-null  int64 
 2   projectid    26023 non-null  int64 
 3   ownerid      26023 non-null  int64 
 4   projectname  26023 non-null  object
 5   language     26023 non-null  object

Im not looking for specifics solution, but I have no Ideas anymore what could be the error.我不是在寻找具体的解决方案,但我不再有任何想法可能是什么错误。

Already tried different versions.已经尝试了不同的版本。 Different imports and so on ...不同的进口等等...

Any one else have a idea why a specific relationship is only working in Neo4j Browser and not in GDSL?任何其他人都知道为什么特定关系仅适用于 Neo4j 浏览器而不适用于 GDSL?


The problem was that the name of the relationship was already used for a node.问题是关系的名称已经用于节点。 I changed the name for the relationship and now it works.我更改了关系的名称,现在可以使用了。

Seems that GDSL also needs different labels for the nodes and relationships.似乎 GDSL 也需要为节点和关系提供不同的标签。

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