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如何将 API 数据传递给子组件

[英]How to pass API data to child components

I am trying to create a very simple website called Currency Tracker.我正在尝试创建一个名为 Currency Tracker 的非常简单的网站。 I am using the following API: http://api.nbp.pl/ .我正在使用以下 API: http : //api.nbp.pl/ I have managed to get the 'mid' and 'code' data with fetch method which I need to render the child components with.我已经设法使用我需要用来呈现子组件的 fetch 方法获取“mid”和“code”数据。 I'm still learning to use API.我仍在学习使用 API。 Unfortunatelly I'm stuck.不幸的是,我被卡住了。 I don't know how to use this data and how pass it down to render the components.我不知道如何使用这些数据以及如何传递它来呈现组件。

import MainPageItem from './MainPageItem.js'
import './MainPage.css';

  .then(response => {
    return response.json();
  .then(data => {
    const mid = data[0].rates.map(currency => {
      return currency.mid

  .then(response => {
    return response.json();
  .then(data => {
    const code = data[0].rates.map(currency => {
      return currency.code
function MainPage(props) {
  return (
    <div className="main-page">
      <div className="main-page__currecy-list-container">
        <div className="main-page__currency-list">
          <MainPageItem currency="EUR" mid="4.5" />
          <MainPageItem currency="USD" mid="4" />
          <MainPageItem currency="GBP" mid="5" />
          <MainPageItem currency="CHF" mid="3.5" />

The MainPageItem is just a mockup. How can I pas the 'mid' and 'code' data to props render components?. Ideally I want to 

You have to put the api calls inside your MainPage component, store the results inside some state (eg using useState ) and then passing the data wherever you need, or just using it inside the component itself.您必须将 api 调用放在MainPage组件中,将结果存储在某个状态中(例如使用useState ),然后将数据传递到您需要的任何地方,或者仅在组件内部使用它。

import MainPageItem from './MainPageItem.js'
import { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
import './MainPage.css';
function MainPage(props) {
  const [codes, setCodes] = useState([])
  const [mids, setMids] = useState([])

  useEffect(() => {
      .then(response => {
        return response.json();
     .then(data => {
       const code = data[0].rates.map(currency => {
         return currency.code
      .then(response => {
        return response.json();
      .then(data => {
        const mid = data[0].rates.map(currency => {
          return currency.mid
  }, [])
  return (
    <div className="main-page">
      <div className="main-page__currecy-list-container">
        <div className="main-page__currency-list">
         {codes.map((code, i) => <MainPageItem key={i} currency={code} mid={mids[i]} />)}

This is an example of what you can do in order to save the codes inside a piece of state of your component.这是一个示例,说明您可以执行哪些操作来将codes保存在组件的某个状态中。

The mids part is very naive and I added it only to give you a hint on how to do that. mids部分非常幼稚,我添加它只是为了给你一个关于如何做到这一点的提示。


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