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[英]How does casting this pointer to an unrelated class work?

This confuses me because if "this" points to its own object, how would casting it ( without inheritance ) allow me to access other class members?这让我感到困惑,因为如果“this”指向它自己的对象,那么强制转换它(没有继承)如何允许我访问其他类成员? I think I'm just overall confused on what exactly casting "this" is doing for the compiler, considering its address doesn't change.考虑到它的地址不会改变,我想我只是对“this”到底为编译器做了什么而感到困惑。

template<class T>
class A 
    void call_fn()

class B
    void fn()
        std::cout << "B function called" << std::endl;

int main()
    A<B> obj;
    obj.call_fn(); //prints out "B function called"

A non-static method call is just like a plain function call but with a hidden this parameter pointing at the object.非静态方法调用就像一个普通的函数调用,但有一个隐藏的this参数指向对象。 The code shown is roughly equivalent to the following:显示的代码大致相当于以下代码:

class A {};
class B {};

void B_fn(B* this);

void A_call_fn(A* this) {

void B_fn(B* this) {
    std::cout << "B function called" << std::endl;

int main() {
    A obj;

A::call_fn() is type-casting its A* this parameter to B* , and then calling B::fn() with that casted pointer as its B* this parameter value. A::call_fn()正在将其A* this参数类型转换为B* ,然后使用A* this强制转换的指针作为其B* this参数值调用B::fn() A reinterpret_cast is effectively a brute-force cast, it really goes out of its way to try to oblige your request. reinterpret_cast实际上是一种蛮力转换,它确实竭尽全力满足您的要求。 So you are telling the compiler that you know what you are doing and just accept it.所以你告诉编译器你知道你在做什么并且接受它。 So it does.确实如此。 But you are invoking undefined behavior , because like you said, A and B are unrelated types.但是您正在调用undefined behavior ,因为就像您说的那样, AB是不相关的类型。

The code happens to work, but only because B::fn() makes no use of its B* this parameter, so it doesn't matter whether this is actually pointing at a valid B object or not.该代码恰好工作,但只是因为B::fn()是没有使用其B* this参数,所以也没有也罢, this实际上是指向一个有效B对象与否。 The code is ultimately no different than if you had done this instead:代码最终与您这样做时没有什么不同:

int main() {
    std::cout << "B function called" << std::endl;

But, if you were to change B to hold a non-static data member that B::fn() actually uses, then the code will fail more noticeably.但是,如果您要更改B以保存B::fn()实际使用的非静态数据成员,那么代码将更加明显地失败。

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