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Objective-C / Cocoa Touch中的HTML字符解码

[英]HTML character decoding in Objective-C / Cocoa Touch

First of all, I found this: 首先,我发现了这一点: Objective C HTML escape/unescape , but it doesn't work for me. 目标C HTML转义/转义 ,但对我不起作用。

My encoded characters (come from a RSS feed, btw) look like this: & 我的编码字符(来自RSS feed,顺便说一句)如下: &

I searched all over the net and found related discussions, but no fix for my particular encoding, I think they are called hexadecimal characters. 我在网上搜索了所有内容,并找到了相关的讨论,但是没有解决我的特定编码问题,我认为它们被称为十六进制字符。

Check out my NSString category for HTML . 查看我的HTML的NSString类别 Here are the methods available: 以下是可用的方法:

- (NSString *)stringByConvertingHTMLToPlainText;
- (NSString *)stringByDecodingHTMLEntities;
- (NSString *)stringByEncodingHTMLEntities;
- (NSString *)stringWithNewLinesAsBRs;
- (NSString *)stringByRemovingNewLinesAndWhitespace;

The one by Daniel is basically very nice, and I fixed a few issues there: 丹尼尔(Daniel)撰写的文章基本上非常好,我在那里修复了一些问题:

  1. removed the skipping character for NSSCanner (otherwise spaces between two continuous entities would be ignored 删除了NSSCanner的跳过字符(否则两个连续实体之间的空格将被忽略

    [scanner setCharactersToBeSkipped:nil]; [scanner setCharactersToBeSkipped:nil];

  2. fixed the parsing when there are isolated '&' symbols (I am not sure what is the 'correct' output for this, I just compared it against firefox): 修复了当存在孤立的“&”符号时的解析(我不确定对此的“正确”输出是什么,我只是将它与firefox进行了比较):

eg 例如

    &#ABC DF & B'  & C' Items (288)

here is the modified code: 这是修改后的代码:

- (NSString *)stringByDecodingXMLEntities {
    NSUInteger myLength = [self length];
    NSUInteger ampIndex = [self rangeOfString:@"&" options:NSLiteralSearch].location;

    // Short-circuit if there are no ampersands.
    if (ampIndex == NSNotFound) {
        return self;
    // Make result string with some extra capacity.
    NSMutableString *result = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:(myLength * 1.25)];

    // First iteration doesn't need to scan to & since we did that already, but for code simplicity's sake we'll do it again with the scanner.
    NSScanner *scanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString:self];

    [scanner setCharactersToBeSkipped:nil];

    NSCharacterSet *boundaryCharacterSet = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@" \t\n\r;"];

    do {
        // Scan up to the next entity or the end of the string.
        NSString *nonEntityString;
        if ([scanner scanUpToString:@"&" intoString:&nonEntityString]) {
            [result appendString:nonEntityString];
        if ([scanner isAtEnd]) {
            goto finish;
        // Scan either a HTML or numeric character entity reference.
        if ([scanner scanString:@"&" intoString:NULL])
            [result appendString:@"&"];
        else if ([scanner scanString:@"'" intoString:NULL])
            [result appendString:@"'"];
        else if ([scanner scanString:@""" intoString:NULL])
            [result appendString:@"\""];
        else if ([scanner scanString:@"<" intoString:NULL])
            [result appendString:@"<"];
        else if ([scanner scanString:@"&gt;" intoString:NULL])
            [result appendString:@">"];
        else if ([scanner scanString:@"&#" intoString:NULL]) {
            BOOL gotNumber;
            unsigned charCode;
            NSString *xForHex = @"";

            // Is it hex or decimal?
            if ([scanner scanString:@"x" intoString:&xForHex]) {
                gotNumber = [scanner scanHexInt:&charCode];
            else {
                gotNumber = [scanner scanInt:(int*)&charCode];

            if (gotNumber) {
                [result appendFormat:@"%C", (unichar)charCode];

                [scanner scanString:@";" intoString:NULL];
            else {
                NSString *unknownEntity = @"";

                [scanner scanUpToCharactersFromSet:boundaryCharacterSet intoString:&unknownEntity];

                [result appendFormat:@"&#%@%@", xForHex, unknownEntity];

                //[scanner scanUpToString:@";" intoString:&unknownEntity];
                //[result appendFormat:@"&#%@%@;", xForHex, unknownEntity];
                NSLog(@"Expected numeric character entity but got &#%@%@;", xForHex, unknownEntity);


        else {
            NSString *amp;

            [scanner scanString:@"&" intoString:&amp];  //an isolated & symbol
            [result appendString:amp];

            NSString *unknownEntity = @"";
            [scanner scanUpToString:@";" intoString:&unknownEntity];
            NSString *semicolon = @"";
            [scanner scanString:@";" intoString:&semicolon];
            [result appendFormat:@"%@%@", unknownEntity, semicolon];
            NSLog(@"Unsupported XML character entity %@%@", unknownEntity, semicolon);

    while (![scanner isAtEnd]);

    return result;

Those are called Character Entity References . 这些被称为字符实体引用 When they take the form of &#<number>; 当它们采用&#<number>; they are called numeric entity references . 它们被称为数字实体引用 Basically, it's a string representation of the byte that should be substituted. 基本上,它是应该替换的字节的字符串表示形式。 In the case of &#038; 如果是&#038; , it represents the character with the value of 38 in the ISO-8859-1 character encoding scheme, which is & . ,它表示ISO-8859-1字符编码方案中值为38的字符&

The reason the ampersand has to be encoded in RSS is it's a reserved special character. 必须在RSS中对与号进行编码的原因是它是保留的特殊字符。

What you need to do is parse the string and replace the entities with a byte matching the value between &# and ; 您需要做的是解析字符串,并用与&#;之间的值匹配的字节替换实体; . I don't know of any great ways to do this in objective C, but this stack overflow question might be of some help. 我不知道在目标C中执行此操作的任何好方法,但是此堆栈溢出问题可能会有所帮助。

Edit: Since answering this some two years ago there are some great solutions; 编辑:自从两年前回答这个问题以来,有一些很好的解决方案; see @Michael Waterfall's answer below. 请参阅下面的@Michael Waterfall答案。

As of iOS 7, you can decode HTML characters natively by using an NSAttributedString with the NSHTMLTextDocumentType attribute: 由于iOS的7,你可以通过使用本地解码HTML字符NSAttributedStringNSHTMLTextDocumentType属性:

NSString *htmlString = @"&#63743; &amp; &#38; &lt; &gt; &trade; &copy; &hearts; &clubs; &spades; &diams;";
NSData *stringData = [htmlString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];

NSDictionary *options = @{NSDocumentTypeDocumentAttribute:NSHTMLTextDocumentType};
NSAttributedString *decodedString;
decodedString = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithData:stringData

The decoded attributed string will now be displayed as:  & & < > ™ © ♥ ♣ ♠ ♦. 解码后的属性字符串现在将显示为:&&<>™©♥♣♦。

Note: This will only work if called on the main thread. 注意:仅在主线程上调用时,此方法才有效。

Nobody seems to mention one of the simplest options: Google Toolbox for Mac 似乎没有人提到最简单的选项之一: Mac版Google工具箱
(Despite the name, this works on iOS too.) (尽管名称,它也适用于iOS。)

https://github.com/google/google-toolbox-for-mac/blob/master/Foundation/GTMNSString%2BHTML.h https://github.com/google/google-toolbox-for-mac/blob/master/Foundation/GTMNSString%2BHTML.h

/// Get a string where internal characters that are escaped for HTML are unescaped 
///  For example, '&amp;' becomes '&'
///  Handles &#32; and &#x32; cases as well
//  Returns:
//    Autoreleased NSString
- (NSString *)gtm_stringByUnescapingFromHTML;

And I had to include only three files in the project: header, implementation and GTMDefines.h . 我只需要在项目中包括三个文件:标头,实现和GTMDefines.h

I ought to post this on GitHub or something. 我应该将其发布在GitHub之类的东西上。 This goes in a category of NSString, uses NSScanner for the implementation, and handles both hex and decimal numeric character entities as well as the usual symbolic ones. 这属于NSString类别,使用NSScanner进行实现,并处理十六进制和十进制数字字符实体以及通常的符号实体。

Also, it handles malformed strings (when you have an & followed by an invalid sequence of characters) relatively gracefully, which turned out to be crucial in my released app that uses this code. 而且,它可以相对优雅地处理格式错误的字符串(当您带有&后跟无效的字符序列时),这在使用此代码的我发布的应用程序中至关重要。

- (NSString *)stringByDecodingXMLEntities {
    NSUInteger myLength = [self length];
    NSUInteger ampIndex = [self rangeOfString:@"&" options:NSLiteralSearch].location;

    // Short-circuit if there are no ampersands.
    if (ampIndex == NSNotFound) {
        return self;
    // Make result string with some extra capacity.
    NSMutableString *result = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:(myLength * 1.25)];

    // First iteration doesn't need to scan to & since we did that already, but for code simplicity's sake we'll do it again with the scanner.
    NSScanner *scanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString:self];
    do {
        // Scan up to the next entity or the end of the string.
        NSString *nonEntityString;
        if ([scanner scanUpToString:@"&" intoString:&nonEntityString]) {
            [result appendString:nonEntityString];
        if ([scanner isAtEnd]) {
            goto finish;
        // Scan either a HTML or numeric character entity reference.
        if ([scanner scanString:@"&amp;" intoString:NULL])
            [result appendString:@"&"];
        else if ([scanner scanString:@"&apos;" intoString:NULL])
            [result appendString:@"'"];
        else if ([scanner scanString:@"&quot;" intoString:NULL])
            [result appendString:@"\""];
        else if ([scanner scanString:@"&lt;" intoString:NULL])
            [result appendString:@"<"];
        else if ([scanner scanString:@"&gt;" intoString:NULL])
            [result appendString:@">"];
        else if ([scanner scanString:@"&#" intoString:NULL]) {
            BOOL gotNumber;
            unsigned charCode;
            NSString *xForHex = @"";

            // Is it hex or decimal?
            if ([scanner scanString:@"x" intoString:&xForHex]) {
                gotNumber = [scanner scanHexInt:&charCode];
            else {
                gotNumber = [scanner scanInt:(int*)&charCode];
            if (gotNumber) {
                [result appendFormat:@"%C", charCode];
            else {
                NSString *unknownEntity = @"";
                [scanner scanUpToString:@";" intoString:&unknownEntity];
                [result appendFormat:@"&#%@%@;", xForHex, unknownEntity];
                NSLog(@"Expected numeric character entity but got &#%@%@;", xForHex, unknownEntity);
            [scanner scanString:@";" intoString:NULL];
        else {
            NSString *unknownEntity = @"";
            [scanner scanUpToString:@";" intoString:&unknownEntity];
            NSString *semicolon = @"";
            [scanner scanString:@";" intoString:&semicolon];
            [result appendFormat:@"%@%@", unknownEntity, semicolon];
            NSLog(@"Unsupported XML character entity %@%@", unknownEntity, semicolon);
    while (![scanner isAtEnd]);

    return result;

This is the way I do it using RegexKitLite framework: 这是我使用RegexKitLite框架的方法:

-(NSString*) decodeHtmlUnicodeCharacters: (NSString*) html {
NSString* result = [html copy];
NSArray* matches = [result arrayOfCaptureComponentsMatchedByRegex: @"\\&#([\\d]+);"];

if (![matches count]) 
    return result;

for (int i=0; i<[matches count]; i++) {
    NSArray* array = [matches objectAtIndex: i];
    NSString* charCode = [array objectAtIndex: 1];
    int code = [charCode intValue];
    NSString* character = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%C", code];
    result = [result stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString: [array objectAtIndex: 0]
                                               withString: character];      
return result;  

} }

Hope this will help someone. 希望这会帮助某人。

you can use just this function to solve this problem. 您可以仅使用此功能来解决此问题。

+ (NSString*) decodeHtmlUnicodeCharactersToString:(NSString*)str
    NSMutableString* string = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:str];  // #&39; replace with '
    NSString* unicodeStr = nil;
    NSString* replaceStr = nil;
    int counter = -1;

    for(int i = 0; i < [string length]; ++i)
        unichar char1 = [string characterAtIndex:i];    
        for (int k = i + 1; k < [string length] - 1; ++k)
            unichar char2 = [string characterAtIndex:k];    

            if (char1 == '&'  && char2 == '#' ) 
                unicodeStr = [string substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(i + 2 , 2)];    
                // read integer value i.e, 39
                replaceStr = [string substringWithRange:NSMakeRange (i, 5)];     //     #&39;
                [string replaceCharactersInRange: [string rangeOfString:replaceStr] withString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%c",[unicodeStr intValue]]];
    [string autorelease];

    if (counter > 1)
        return  [self decodeHtmlUnicodeCharactersToString:string]; 
        return string;

Here's a Swift version of Walty Yeung's answer : 这是杨永Wal的答案的Swift版本:

extension String {
    static private let mappings = ["&quot;" : "\"","&amp;" : "&", "&lt;" : "<", "&gt;" : ">","&nbsp;" : " ","&iexcl;" : "¡","&cent;" : "¢","&pound;" : " £","&curren;" : "¤","&yen;" : "¥","&brvbar;" : "¦","&sect;" : "§","&uml;" : "¨","&copy;" : "©","&ordf;" : " ª","&laquo" : "«","&not" : "¬","&reg" : "®","&macr" : "¯","&deg" : "°","&plusmn" : "±","&sup2; " : "²","&sup3" : "³","&acute" : "´","&micro" : "µ","&para" : "¶","&middot" : "·","&cedil" : "¸","&sup1" : "¹","&ordm" : "º","&raquo" : "»&","frac14" : "¼","&frac12" : "½","&frac34" : "¾","&iquest" : "¿","&times" : "×","&divide" : "÷","&ETH" : "Ð","&eth" : "ð","&THORN" : "Þ","&thorn" : "þ","&AElig" : "Æ","&aelig" : "æ","&OElig" : "Œ","&oelig" : "œ","&Aring" : "Å","&Oslash" : "Ø","&Ccedil" : "Ç","&ccedil" : "ç","&szlig" : "ß","&Ntilde;" : "Ñ","&ntilde;":"ñ",]

    func stringByDecodingXMLEntities() -> String {

        guard let _ = self.rangeOfString("&", options: [.LiteralSearch]) else {
            return self

        var result = ""

        let scanner = NSScanner(string: self)
        scanner.charactersToBeSkipped = nil

        let boundaryCharacterSet = NSCharacterSet(charactersInString: " \t\n\r;")

        repeat {
            var nonEntityString: NSString? = nil

            if scanner.scanUpToString("&", intoString: &nonEntityString) {
                if let s = nonEntityString as? String {

            if scanner.atEnd {

            var didBreak = false
            for (k,v) in String.mappings {
                if scanner.scanString(k, intoString: nil) {
                    didBreak = true

            if !didBreak {

                if scanner.scanString("&#", intoString: nil) {

                    var gotNumber = false
                    var charCodeUInt: UInt32 = 0
                    var charCodeInt: Int32 = -1
                    var xForHex: NSString? = nil

                    if scanner.scanString("x", intoString: &xForHex) {
                        gotNumber = scanner.scanHexInt(&charCodeUInt)
                    else {
                        gotNumber = scanner.scanInt(&charCodeInt)

                    if gotNumber {
                        let newChar = String(format: "%C", (charCodeInt > -1) ? charCodeInt : charCodeUInt)
                        scanner.scanString(";", intoString: nil)
                    else {
                        var unknownEntity: NSString? = nil
                        scanner.scanUpToCharactersFromSet(boundaryCharacterSet, intoString: &unknownEntity)
                        let h = xForHex ?? ""
                        let u = unknownEntity ?? ""
                else {
                    scanner.scanString("&", intoString: nil)

        } while (!scanner.atEnd)

        return result

Actually the great MWFeedParser framework of Michael Waterfall (referred to his answer) has been forked by rmchaara who has update it with ARC support! 实际上,迈克尔瀑布很棒的MWFeedParser框架(请参阅他的回答)是由rmchaara派生的,他通过ARC支持对其进行了更新!

You can find it in Github here 您可以在Github上找到它在这里

It really works great, I used stringByDecodingHTMLEntities method and works flawlessly. 它确实很棒,我使用了stringByDecodingHTMLEntities方法并且完美无缺。

As if you need another solution! 好像您需要其他解决方案! This one is pretty simple and quite effective: 这很简单,也很有效:

@interface NSString (NSStringCategory)
- (NSString *) stringByReplacingISO8859Codes;

@implementation NSString (NSStringCategory)
- (NSString *) stringByReplacingISO8859Codes
    NSString *dataString = self;
    do {
        //*** See if string contains &# prefix
        NSRange range = [dataString rangeOfString: @"&#" options: NSRegularExpressionSearch];
        if (range.location == NSNotFound) {
        //*** Get the next three charaters after the prefix
        NSString *isoHex = [dataString substringWithRange: NSMakeRange(range.location + 2, 3)];
        //*** Create the full code for replacement
        NSString *isoString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"&#%@;", isoHex];
        //*** Convert to decimal integer
        unsigned decimal = 0;
        NSScanner *scanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"0%@", isoHex]];
        [scanner scanHexInt: &decimal];
        //*** Use decimal code to get unicode character
        NSString *unicode = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%C", decimal];
        //*** Replace all occurences of this code in the string
        dataString = [dataString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString: isoString withString: unicode];
    } while (TRUE); //*** Loop until we hit the NSNotFound

    return dataString;

If you have the Character Entity Reference as a string, eg @"2318" , you can extract a recoded NSString with the correct unicode character using strtoul ; 如果您将字符实体引用作为字符串,例如@"2318" ,则可以使用strtoul提取具有正确unicode字符的经过重新编码的NSString;

NSString *unicodePoint = @"2318"
unichar iconChar = (unichar) strtoul(unicodePoint.UTF8String, NULL, 16);
NSString *recoded = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%C", iconChar];
NSLog(@"recoded: %@", recoded");
// prints out "recoded: ⌘"

Swift 3 version of Jugale's answer Swift 3版本的Jugale的答案

extension String {
    static private let mappings = ["&quot;" : "\"","&amp;" : "&", "&lt;" : "<", "&gt;" : ">","&nbsp;" : " ","&iexcl;" : "¡","&cent;" : "¢","&pound;" : " £","&curren;" : "¤","&yen;" : "¥","&brvbar;" : "¦","&sect;" : "§","&uml;" : "¨","&copy;" : "©","&ordf;" : " ª","&laquo" : "«","&not" : "¬","&reg" : "®","&macr" : "¯","&deg" : "°","&plusmn" : "±","&sup2; " : "²","&sup3" : "³","&acute" : "´","&micro" : "µ","&para" : "¶","&middot" : "·","&cedil" : "¸","&sup1" : "¹","&ordm" : "º","&raquo" : "»&","frac14" : "¼","&frac12" : "½","&frac34" : "¾","&iquest" : "¿","&times" : "×","&divide" : "÷","&ETH" : "Ð","&eth" : "ð","&THORN" : "Þ","&thorn" : "þ","&AElig" : "Æ","&aelig" : "æ","&OElig" : "Œ","&oelig" : "œ","&Aring" : "Å","&Oslash" : "Ø","&Ccedil" : "Ç","&ccedil" : "ç","&szlig" : "ß","&Ntilde;" : "Ñ","&ntilde;":"ñ",]

    func stringByDecodingXMLEntities() -> String {

        guard let _ = self.range(of: "&", options: [.literal]) else {
            return self

        var result = ""

        let scanner = Scanner(string: self)
        scanner.charactersToBeSkipped = nil

        let boundaryCharacterSet = CharacterSet(charactersIn: " \t\n\r;")

        repeat {
            var nonEntityString: NSString? = nil

            if scanner.scanUpTo("&", into: &nonEntityString) {
                if let s = nonEntityString as? String {

            if scanner.isAtEnd {

            var didBreak = false
            for (k,v) in String.mappings {
                if scanner.scanString(k, into: nil) {
                    didBreak = true

            if !didBreak {

                if scanner.scanString("&#", into: nil) {

                    var gotNumber = false
                    var charCodeUInt: UInt32 = 0
                    var charCodeInt: Int32 = -1
                    var xForHex: NSString? = nil

                    if scanner.scanString("x", into: &xForHex) {
                        gotNumber = scanner.scanHexInt32(&charCodeUInt)
                    else {
                        gotNumber = scanner.scanInt32(&charCodeInt)

                    if gotNumber {
                        let newChar = String(format: "%C", (charCodeInt > -1) ? charCodeInt : charCodeUInt)
                        scanner.scanString(";", into: nil)
                    else {
                        var unknownEntity: NSString? = nil
                        scanner.scanUpToCharacters(from: boundaryCharacterSet, into: &unknownEntity)
                        let h = xForHex ?? ""
                        let u = unknownEntity ?? ""
                else {
                    scanner.scanString("&", into: nil)

        } while (!scanner.isAtEnd)

        return result

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