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Vps OVH 上的节点项目错误“internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:888”

[英]Node project error 'internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:888' on Vps OVH

i have nodejs project work well in local but when upload it on Vps i find this errors我有 nodejs 项目在本地运行良好,但是当将其上传到 Vps 时,我发现此错误在此处输入图片说明

The cause of the error is stated right there in the console.错误的原因在控制台中说明。 Cannot find module ../modules/user . Cannot find module ../modules/user You are referencing a file that does not exist.您正在引用一个不存在的文件。 The file may exist in your local environment but does not exist in your vps or does not exist in the same directory as referenced.该文件可能存在于您的本地环境中,但不存在于您的 vps 中或不存在于与引用相同的目录中。

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