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使用 SpaCy Displacy 可视化定制的 NER 标签

[英]Visualizing customized NER tags with SpaCy Displacy

I am new to spaCy and Python and I want to visualize a NER using this library.我是 spaCy 和 Python 的新手,我想使用这个库来可视化一个 NER。 This is the sample example that I found:这是我找到的示例示例:

import spacy
from spacy import displacy

NER = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")

raw_text="The Indian Space Research Organisation or is the national space agency of India, headquartered in Bengaluru. It operates under Department of Space which is directly overseen by the Prime Minister of India while Chairman of ISRO acts as executive of DOS as well."

text1= NER(raw_text)


The Example of Visualization可视化示例

However, I already have a list of customized tags and their positions:但是,我已经有了自定义标签及其位置的列表:

 [812, 834, "POS"], [838, 853, "ORG"], [870, 888, "POS"], [892, 920, "ORG"], [925, 929, "ENGLEVEL"], [987, 1002, "SKILL"],...

I want my text to be visualized with my own customized tags and entities, instead of the default NER options of spaCy.我希望我的文本使用我自己的自定义标签和实体进行可视化,而不是 spaCy 的默认 NER 选项。 How can I achieve this?我怎样才能做到这一点?

You will need to add char spans signifying entities and attach them to your doc object.您需要添加表示实体的字符跨度并将它们附加到您的 doc 对象。 Something like this:像这样的东西:

import spacy
from spacy import displacy

nlp = spacy.blank('en')
raw_text = "The Indian Space Research Organisation or is the national space agency of India, headquartered in Bengaluru. It operates under Department of Space which is directly overseen by the Prime Minister of India while Chairman of ISRO acts as executive of DOS as well."
doc = nlp.make_doc(raw_text)
spans = [[812, 834, "POS"], [838, 853, "ORG"], [870, 888, "POS"], [892, 920, "ORG"], [925, 929, "ENGLEVEL"],
         [987, 1002, "SKILL"]]
ents = []
for span_start, span_end, label in spans:
    ent = doc.char_span(span_start, span_end, label=label)
    if ent is None:


doc.ents = ents
displacy.render(doc, style="ent", jupyter=True)

Change your raw_text and spans accordingly.相应地更改您的raw_textspans If you give a span that starts or ends beyond the length of your text doc.char_span() returns None so you need to handle that appropriately.如果你给出的跨度开始或结束超过文本的长度doc.char_span()返回None所以你需要适当地处理它。

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