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防止 SendGrid 替换<a>动态模板中的标签</a>

[英]Prevent SendGrid from replacing <a> tags in Dynamic Templates

I'm using the @sendgrid/mail library to send emails from our app, using a dynamic template.我正在使用@sendgrid/mail库从我们的应用程序发送电子邮件,使用动态模板。 The template is created entirely with custom HTML.该模板完全使用自定义 HTML 创建。

When emails are delivered, any custom code in <a> tags is ignored.发送电子邮件时,将忽略<a>标记中的任何自定义代码。 More specifically, SendGrid adds a "data-saferedirecturl" attribute and strips out any other attributes I add.更具体地说,SendGrid 添加了一个“data-saferedirecturl”属性并删除了我添加的任何其他属性。

I've already tried disabling SendGrid click tracking globally, as well as disabling it individually, but neither seems to make any difference.我已经尝试过全局禁用 SendGrid 点击跟踪,以及单独禁用它,但两者似乎都没有任何区别。

Anyone know if it's possible to change this behavior, either via the SendGrid dashboard or API settings?任何人都知道是否可以通过 SendGrid 仪表板或 API 设置更改此行为?

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