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将.next() 与 takeUntil 一起使用时的参数

[英]Argument when using .next() with takeUntil

I've noticed recently after upgrading my rxjs version that you can't use the .next() method this.ngUnsubscribe$.next();我最近注意到在升级我的 rxjs 版本后你不能使用.next()方法this.ngUnsubscribe$.next(); as it is anymore as you would below:就像你在下面一样:

export class TakeUntilComponent implements OnDestroy {
  // Our magical observable that will be passed to takeUntil()
  private readonly ngUnsubscribe$: Subject<void> = new Subject<void>();

  // Our subject that we will subscribe to
  subjectA$: Subject<number> = new Subject<number>();

  constructor() {
      .subscribe(value => {
      // logic goes here ...

    // Emit a value so that takeUntil will handle the closing of our subscriptions;
    // Unsubscribe from our unsubscriber to avoid creating a memory leak


But now you must send an argument to it like this:但是现在你必须像这样向它发送一个参数:




My question is why?我的问题是为什么? And what value would you know to send?您知道要发送什么价值?

You're defining your Subject as Subject<void> .您将 Subject 定义为Subject<void> Calling next() wants to emit undefined .调用next()想要发出undefined

So you should call this.ngUnsubscribe$.next(void 0) instead.所以你应该调用this.ngUnsubscribe$.next(void 0)来代替。

This happens after upgrading rxjs version to 7 from 6将 rxjs 版本从 6 升级到 7 后会发生这种情况

Rxjs 7 changes Rxjs 7 变化

After checking the changelog and several github issues about this situation,在检查了关于这种情况的变更日志和几个github问题后,

Subject: resolve issue where Subject constructor errantly allowed an argument (#5476) (e1d35dc)主题:解决主题构造函数错误地允许参数的问题 (#5476) (e1d35dc)

Subject: no default generic (e678e81)主题:没有默认泛型 (e678e81)

Changelog 7.0.0-beta.1 and the commit where empty value is removed from the tests 变更日志 7.0.0-beta.1从测试中删除空值的提交


I realized that the solution was to either provide a value or simply typecast the Subject with <void> (as @martin also said) as in destroy$ = new Subject<void>() if you want to next it with an empty value.我意识到解决方案是要么提供一个值,要么简单地用<void> (正如@martin也说过的)对Subject进行类型转换,如destroy$ = new Subject<void>()如果你想用一个空值next它。

Another approach to fix this would be to use the ng-neat npm package: https://github.com/ngneat/until-destroy解决此问题的另一种方法是使用 ng-neat npm package: https://github.com/ngneat/until-destroy

Just by adding @UntilDestroy({ checkProperties: true }) to the top of your class you can remove all the takeUntils(this.unsubscribe) out of the code and remove the ngOnDestroy method.只需将@UntilDestroy({ checkProperties: true })添加到 class 的顶部,您就可以从代码中删除所有 takeUntils(this.unsubscribe) 并删除 ngOnDestroy 方法。 Just think it looks a lot cleaner and you will have less imports.只是认为它看起来更干净,你将有更少的进口。

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