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[英]How do I run scripts in the background and control the quantity?

I have some test programs, their names are我有一些测试程序,它们的名字是


I want to use these programs to run some benchmarks.我想使用这些程序来运行一些基准测试。 I wrote a script to control the parameters.我写了一个脚本来控制参数。 The name of the script is run.sh .脚本的名称是run.sh I only need ./run.sh --benchmark=benchmark_name_index --binary=Executable_file to run.我只需要./run.sh --benchmark=benchmark_name_index --binary=Executable_file即可运行。 The run.sh script will automatically add other parameters at runtime. run.sh脚本会在运行时自动添加其他参数。

Eg ./run.sh --benchmark=1 --binary=bingo_64k.llc_pref例如./run.sh --benchmark=1 --binary=bingo_64k.llc_pref

Each benchmark takes about three hours to run.每个基准测试大约需要三个小时才能运行。 I want them to execute in parallel.我希望它们并行执行。 I plan to put each run in the background to run.我打算把每次运行都放在后台运行。 I wrote the following script file.我编写了以下脚本文件。 The name is tem.sh .名称是tem.sh Note that I wrote the name of all the test program in the evaluate_prefetch file.请注意,我在evaluate_prefetch文件中写了所有测试程序的名称。

while read LINE
    for ((i=1; i<=$BENCHMARK_NUM; i++))
        # sleep 2
        # array=($(pidof $LINE))
        # echo ${#array[@]}
        # while [ ${#array[@]} -ge 10 ]
        # do
        #   sleep 60
        #   array=($(pidof $LINE))
        # done

        cmd="./run.sh --benchmark=$i --binary=$LINE &"
done < evaluate_prefetch
  1. After I run the above script.在我运行上面的脚本之后。 I found that I can see these processes through top command.我发现我可以通过top命令看到这些进程。 But when I use jobs , nothing is displayed.但是当我使用jobs ,没有显示任何内容。

  2. I don't want to run too many in the background at once, it may affect other people.我不想一次在后台运行太多,它可能会影响其他人。 I want to run only 10 at a time.我想一次只运行 10 个。 What should I do?我应该怎么办? I use the following code to determine how many are currently running.我使用以下代码来确定当前正在运行的数量。 But the following function is very slow to execute, and did not get the correct result.但是下面的函数执行起来很慢,并没有得到正确的结果。

            while read LINE
                sleep 2
                array=($(pidof $LINE))
                let process_num=$process_num+${#array[@]}
                echo $process_num
            done < evaluate_prefetch
  1. ./tem.sh & Should I run the above script like this so that when I exit the terminal, it will still run in the background? ./tem.sh &我是否应该像这样运行上面的脚本,以便当我退出终端时,它仍然会在后台运行?

  2. I always accidentally make some errors when I run it.我在运行它时总是不小心犯一些错误。 How can I kill these processes all at once and then rerun them?我怎样才能一次杀死这些进程,然后重新运行它们? I tried killall sleep .我试过killall sleep But when I execute top , I can still see many sleep processes.但是当我执行top ,我仍然可以看到许多睡眠进程。

There are a total of 140 priorities and two distinct priority ranges implemented in Linux.在 Linux 中实现了总共 140 个优先级和两个不同的优先级范围。 The first one is a nice value (niceness) which ranges from -20 (highest priority value) to 19 (lowest priority value) and the default is 0. The other is the real-time priority, which ranges from 1 to 99 by default, then 100 to 139 are meant for user-space.第一个是nice值(niceness),范围从-20(最高优先级值)到19(最低优先级值),默认为0。另一个是实时优先级,默认范围从1到99 ,然后 100 到 139 用于用户空间。

From the top outputs, you'll notice that there is a column called PR and PRI which show the priority of a process.top输出中,您会注意到有一个名为 PR 和 PRI 的列,它们显示了进程的优先级。

NI – is the nice value, which is a user-space concept, while PR or PRI – is the process's actual priority, as seen by the Linux kernel. NI – 是 nice 值,这是一个用户空间概念,而 PR 或 PRI – 是进程的实际优先级,如 Linux 内核所见。

Total number of priorities = 140 Real time priority range(PR or PRI): 0 to 99 User space priority range: 100 to 139优先级总数 = 140 实时优先级范围(PR 或 PRI):0 到 99 用户空间优先级范围:100 到 139

Nice value range (NI): -20 to 19尼斯值范围 (NI):-20 到 19

PR = 20 + NI PR = 20 + NI

PR = 20 + (-20 to + 19) PR = 20 +(-20 到 + 19)

PR = 20 + -20 to 20 + 19 PR = 20 + -20 到 20 + 19

PR = 0 to 39 which is same as 100 to 139. PR = 0 到 39,与 100 到 139 相同。

But if you see a rt rather than a number as shown in the screenshot below, it basically means the process is running under real-time scheduling priority.但是,如果您看到的是 rt 而不是数字,如下面的屏幕截图所示,这基本上意味着该进程正在实时调度优先级下运行。

to change the niceness:改变美好:

$ nice -n niceness-value [command args]


$ nice -niceness-value [command args] 


$ nice --adjustment=niceness-value [command args]

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