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尝试使用可变参数模板模仿 python 打印功能不起作用

[英]Attempt at mimicking the python print function using variadic templates not working

I came across variadic template s while reading a book and thought it would be pretty cool to implement a python style print function.我在看书时遇到了variadic template ,并认为实现 python 风格的print功能会很酷。

Here is the code.这是代码。

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

#define None " "

template<typename T, typename... Tail>
void print(T head, Tail... tail, const char* end = "\n")
    std::cout << head << end;
    if constexpr (sizeof...(tail) > 0)
        print(tail..., end);

int main()
    // Error: no instance of function template "print" matches the argument list
    print("apple", 0, 0.0f, 'c', true);

    // Error: no instance of function template "print" matches the argument list
    print("apple", 0, 0.0f, 'c', true, None);

Expected result from those two function calls:这两个函数调用的预期结果:

First:    Second:
apple     apple 0 0.0f 'c' 1

Removing const char* end = "\\n" from the function signature gets the code to compile, but I want that functionality of specifying the last parameter to state whether to print a newline.从函数签名中删除const char* end = "\\n"获取要编译的代码,但我希望指定最后一个参数来说明是否打印换行符的功能。

Is this possible at all?这可能吗?

It is possible, but not in the way you have tried.这是可能的,但不是您尝试过的方式。

You could do something like the following (one possible solution in ):您可以执行以下操作( 一种可能解决方案):

  • Provide an enum ( Ending ) which will be used to specify the way of printing (ie newline, with space, etc).提供一个枚举( Ending ),用于指定打印方式(即换行、空格等)。
  • Split function print and one of them will be used to print one argument at a time, where we will check for the way of printing;拆分函数print ,其中一个将用于一次打印一个参数,我们将在其中检查打印方式;
  • The other print will be used to call the variadic arguments by the caller.另一个print将用于调用者调用 可变参数 Here we're using fold expressions to call the first print overload.这里我们使用折叠表达式来调用第一个print重载。

Something like: ( Live Demo )类似于:(现场演示

enum struct Ending {  NewLine = 0, Space };

template<Ending end, typename Type>
void print(const Type& arg) noexcept
    if constexpr (end == Ending::NewLine)  {
        std::cout << arg << '\n';
    else if constexpr (end == Ending::Space) {
        std::cout << arg << ' ';

template <Ending end, typename... Args>
void print(const Args& ... args) noexcept
    (print<end>(args), ...);

Now you can specify, how to end the line现在您可以指定如何结束该行

print<Ending::NewLine>("apple", 0, 0.0f, 'c', true);
print<Ending::Space>("apple", 0, 0.0f, 'c', true);

"You don't like the overload!?" “你不喜欢超载!?” Then we can make it inside a single print function with help of an immediately invoking lambda function.然后我们可以在立即调用 lambda 函数的帮助下将其放入单个print函数中。

( Live Demo ) 现场演示

template <Ending end, typename... Args>
void print(const Args& ... args) noexcept
    ([] (Ending, const auto& arg) noexcept {
        if constexpr (end == Ending::NewLine) {
            std::cout << arg << '\n';
        else if constexpr (end == Ending::Space) {
            std::cout << arg << ' ';
    }(end, args), ...);
    //^^^^^^^^^^  ^^^^  ---> Invoke the lambda & expand the fold

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