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PHP:如何在树状 JSON 结构中递归搜索 ID 并返回包含所有先前 ID 的路径

[英]PHP: How to search for an ID in a tree-like JSON structure recursively and return the path including all previous IDs

I have a specific problem that I can't handle.我有一个我无法处理的特定问题。 I have a JSON file and I need to find the id in it.我有一个 JSON 文件,我需要在其中找到 id。 I need to get all previous id when id is found.找到 id 时,我需要获取所有以前的 id。

Find id 51. Results: 51, 12962, 1101, 1100查找 id 51。 结果:51、12962、1101、1100

Thank you in advance for your help.预先感谢您的帮助。

        "name":"name 1",
        "name":"name 2",
        "name":"name 3",
                "name":"name 4",
                        "name":"name 5",
                        "name":"name 6",
                        "name":"name 7",
                "name":"name 8",
                        "name":"name 9",
                        "name":"name 10",
                                "name":"name 11",

.... ....

I've stripped down the JSON input for this example, but the result is an array holding the IDs up until the id you're looking for (or empty if the id hasn't been found).我已经删除了这个示例的 JSON 输入,但结果是一个数组,其中包含 ID 直到您要查找的 id(如果未找到 id,则为空)。 The code is annotated so you can see what it actually does.代码带有注释,因此您可以看到它的实际作用。 Basically, I'm using a recursive function, meaning a function that calls itself, passing on the current stack of ids on each call.基本上,我使用的是递归函数,意思是一个调用自身的函数,在每次调用时传递当前的 id 堆栈。

$data = json_decode( '[{"id": "1234"},{"id": "4567"},{"id": "1100","childs": [{"id": "7890"},{"id": "1101","childs": [{"id": "12962","childs": [{"id": "51"}]}]}]}]' );

// recursively go through the data, searching for the id
function findIdRecursive( $id, $data, $stack = array() ) {
    foreach ( $data as $d ) {
        // this object corresponds to the id
        if ( $d->id === $id ) {
            $stack[] = $id;
        } else if ( isset( $d->childs ) ) {
            // recursively go through this object's children
            $childStack = findIdRecursive( $id, $d->childs, $stack );
            if( in_array( $id, $childStack ) ) {
                // if the id is present in the child stack, return this path
                $stack = array_merge( [ $d->id ], $childStack );

    return $stack;

// [ 51, 12962, 1101, 1100 ]
var_dump( array_reverse( findIdRecursive( "51", $data ) ) );

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