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[英]Child element changing parent element height (css)

I'm trying to make the div not expand over user visibility, but when I dock multiple items in this div, it expands off screen.我试图让 div 不扩展到用户可见性,但是当我在这个 div 中停靠多个项目时,它会扩展到屏幕外。

Here is an example.这是一个例子。

I know, it sounds long, but I was trying to reproduce the entire layout to find the problem.我知道,这听起来很长,但我试图重现整个布局以找到问题所在。

    <div class="container">
        <div class="head"></div>
        <div class="main">
            <div class="painel"></div>
            <div class="dash">
                <div class="head-dash"></div>
                <div class="content-dash">
                    <div class="email-list">
                        <div class="head-content"></div>
                        <div class="content">
                            <div class="item"></div>

https://jsfiddle.net/ricardosc12/rb2kjtfh/12/ https://jsfiddle.net/ricardosc12/rb2kjtfh/12/

change the variable quant -> 50 and you will see the problem改变变量 quant -> 50 你会看到问题

Probably its height setting to 100% ignores its adjacent element, but how can I make it take up the remaining space without expanding later.可能它的高度设置为 100% 会忽略它的相邻元素,但是我怎样才能让它占用剩余的空间而不会在以后扩展。

As you can see in the example, the email-list class has expanded over content, pushing all the main ones down.正如您在示例中看到的,电子邮件列表类扩展了内容,将所有主要内容向下推。

I'm looking for a solution to this using flex, but can you suggest other possibilities.我正在寻找使用 flex 的解决方案,但您能否提出其他可能性。

I looked around but it didn't work.我环顾四周,但没有用。

Make a div fill the height of the remaining screen space 使 div 填充剩余屏幕空间的高度

It's not the perfect answer but will solve your problem.这不是完美的答案,但会解决您的问题。 change your height of content-dash to this将内容破折号的高度更改为此

    height: calc(100vh - 140px) ;
    padding: 25px;
    background: #EEEEEE;

We will make the content-dash's height to 100vh and subtract the height of head-dash and head from it.我们将 content-dash 的高度设为 100vh 并从中减去 head-dash 和 head 的高度。

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