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气流 dag 文件已到位,但在我执行气流 dag 列表时未显示

[英]Airflow dag file is in place but it's not showing up when I do airflow dags list

我根据教程稍加修改在 dags 文件夹中放置了一个 dag 文件,但它没有显示在 GUI 中或运行气流 dags 列表时。

Answering my own question: Check the python file for Exceptions by running it directly.回答我自己的问题:通过直接运行检查 python 文件的异常。 It turns out one exception in the dag's python script due to a missing import made the dag not show up in the list.事实证明,由于缺少导入导致 dag 的 python 脚本中的一个异常导致 dag 未显示在列表中。 I note this just in case another new user comes across this.我注意到这一点,以防万一另一个新用户遇到这个问题。 To me the moral of the story is that dag files should often be checked by running with python directly when they are modified because there won't be an obvious error showing up otherwise;对我来说,这个故事的寓意是 dag 文件在修改时应该经常通过直接运行 python 来检查,因为否则不会出现明显的错误; they may just disappear from the list.它们可能会从列表中消失。

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